Acknowledged as caring, well mannered and pretty, our daughter, a legal
professional extensively travelled, who enjoys theatre, music, is of
medium height, works and lives in Australia. We Sinhala parents, well
respected from professional background with assets would like to meet a
tall handsome tertiary educated / career minded professional with good
sense of humour, non-smoking son from stable family with values, keen to
have a partner from similar background, ambitious to share quality life.
Ideal would be with similar interests and within the age range of 30 -
34 years. She practises Catholic faith, but more than the religion and
caste, focus in life is considered important. Please write to:
[email protected]
A G/B parent from Colombo suburbs, seeks qualified partner for slim,
pleasant, accomplished daughter 5'5", 26 years, graduated in
Accountancy, presently working in Australia. Reply with family details
and horoscope. (Non Malefic).
Accountant daughter unmarried Chartered Finalist BG 47 yrs 5'4" with
FD seeks suitable partner. No differences. Send details with horoscope.
94-362253367. [email protected]
Acadamically / professionally qualified well mannered partner with
sober habits below 32 prepared to reside in the UK sought by Buddhist
Bathgama very respectable parents for slim pleasant medium complexion
well brought-up daughter, 25 plus 5' British citizen law graduate (LLB
Sri Lanka) with assets. Caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope and full
details. Email [email protected]
Buddhist parents seek educated partner with child up to four for 44
divorced daughter. No children Visakhian Administrative Officer house
Colombo permanent residency assets Australia.
B/G parents seek academically qualified son migrate USA daughter 26
5'3" Engineer. p
[email protected]
B/G parents seek suitable partner for their divorced daughter
(innocent party) 44 yrs old, looks much younger,kind hearted & pleasant,
Bank employee, owns substantial assets. Contact with horoscope & Tel.
No. [email protected]
B/G professional parents seek a sober partner in U.K. for IT
professional daughter working in London B.Sc (S.L) M.S.C. (U.K.) age 31
years - Height 5'2" fair pretty. She will inherit a house.
Buddhist Salagama Colombo suburbs mother seeks suitable partner for
daughter 34 years 5'4" Assistant Superintendent in a semi government
organisation, owns land worth over 10 mn. Reply with horoscope.
B/G retired parents seek qualified partner for their fair pleasant
daughter 37, 5'4" graduated BA (Hon) UK and employed in UK. Overseas
proposals also welcome. Visiting Sri Lanka in July. 94-776918153.
Colombo Govi Buddhist family seeks suitable partner working here or
abroad with steady employment or business for sister formerly primary
trained teacher at leading private girls school, 40 yrs, very fair,
slim, pretty, 5'3" legally divorced 1 yr marriage, innocent party, no
encumbrances, monthly income thirty thousand. Dowry thirty lakhs in
cash, widowers and legally divorced may apply with contact No. Caste,
religion immaterial. E-mail:
[email protected]
C/K aunty seeks a groom for her fair and slim niece 31 years 5'5" in
height. She is B.Sc and M.Sc. (Computer System) qualified engineer
working in UK partner should be of same status. She will be in Sri Lanka
early April. 94-722721572.
Colombo GB parents seek suitable partner for well employed daughter
30 years 5'6" height for early marriage. She owns property in Colombo.
Please reply with horoscope to
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Govi Catholic parents seek M.B.B.S. Doctor or Engineer tall fair
handsome with good charactered below 33 yrs for their daughter 25 yrs
5'5" pretty very fair and smart engineering student. Dowry coconut lands
worth 30M unregistered car 5M and new house 10M.
[email protected]
G/K parents of slim attractive daughter, 29, 5'2" a professional and,
well employed in USA, seek a professional partner below 35, preferably
height above 5'8". email :
[email protected]
Govi Buddhist US citizen Doctor parents seek a professional partner
(Medical Profession preferred) for Medical Student daughter 29 years
brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Please respond with horoscope.
Email: [email protected]
Karawa Catholic parents from suburbs of Colombo seek a well
accomplished son for their only daughter 32 years 5'3" very fair pretty
well mannered IT graduate employed. Please reply with family details.
Kandyan Buddhist Radala parents seek a partner with similar
background for professionally qualified 26 yr old daughter Senior
Executive in a private firm in Colombo with a high salary fair, pretty
5'3" in height. Reply with family details & horoscope. Email :
[email protected]
Kandyan Buddhist parents seek a well established suitable partner for
only daughter 29 yrs 5'6" pretty, slim, working as Receptionist cum
Clerk. Only brother living in U.K. Please reply with horoscope and
family details in English or Sinhala. E-mail:
[email protected]
Kandyan parents seek suitable partner for their UK qualified
Accountancy Graduate, attractive daughter 5'6" height 26+ presently
working and preparing for A.C.C.A. Finals in UK. Reply with full details
and copy of the horoscope. G.B. considered.
Kotte parents retired father B/Vishva Commissioned Officer, mother B/Govi
Teacher, seek son with sober habits for fair pleasant daughter 29 yrs
5'2" B.Sc (Colombo) M.Sc (Australia) recently came Sri Lanka. Hope to do
PhD in Australia. Reply with horoscope.
Middle class B/G parents seek marriage partner for daughter medium
complexioned kind religious professional Ph.D Biochemistry, age 34, 5'3"
height employed in Research Institute USA prospects hold assets more
than 10 Million, Sri Lanka. Please furnish telephone number e-mail
address copy of horoscope with full details E-mail
[email protected]
Professional, Buddhist parents living in New Zealand seek a suitable
son, willing to live overseas for their Accountant (Intermediate)
daughter, attractive, fair 22, 5'5". Please respond with full family
details and horoscope in the first letter. E-mail:
[email protected]
Parents seek a qualified partner aged 27-30 Catholic for a daughter
27, 5' very pretty fair slim qualified working as an Administrator in a
well reputed company in Melbourne Australia. Reply with horoscope to ([email protected])
Respectable B/K parents seek well educated & qualified partner with
sober habits from a respectable family, for fair pretty well-qualified
daughter with masters degree, 27 years with an excellent character (Kuja
in 8th House). Please reply with the copy of the horoscope & details
including the family background. Email:
[email protected]
Respectable professional Govigama parents living in Australia seek
caring educated Christian or Catholic partner willing to migrate for
slim pretty religious graduate daughter employed in Australian
Government service caste immaterial.
Relative seeks well mannered handsome honest partner for Govi
Buddhist 42, 5'6" unmarried very good looking, owns reputed professional
business good income, kind caring engaged in charity work, parents
deceased. Differences immaterial.
Sinhala Catholic parents living / working in Botswana in Southern
Africa seek a suitably qualified partner for their daughter CIMA
qualified Accountant, born 27th November 1973 5ft 3 ins tall light in
complexion, very good looking very well mannered with remarkable assets
in Sri Lanka wife daughter at the moment in Sri Lanka on holiday till
mid May. If interested, please call - 94-31-2256035 or email:
[email protected]
Sinhala Buddhist respectable parents living in Colombo, father
Engineer seek a professionally qualified partner below 30 years for our
professionally qualified daughter 25 years 5'8" assets include valuable
land house and car. Caste immaterial. Reply with full details, horoscope
and contact numbers. E-mail:
[email protected]
S/B parents in NZ wish to introduce their daughter (brought up in NZ
but values SL culture, 23 yrs, fair, 5' tall, completing Medical Degree
in 2008), to an educated / qualified S/B partner between 25 - 28 yrs to
work and live in NZ. Initially to develop a relationship leading towards
marriage after 2009. Email family details / horoscope to
[email protected]. .
Details treated in strict confidence.
Sinhala Buddhist Durawe Karawe parents with assets seek eduacted
accomplished son in US for pretty eduacted accomplished US citizen
daughter following PhD studies in California 27 years, 5'1", four
educated sisters and brothers, work in US. Please reply with horoscope.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 94-773676135.