Country's four major projects ready:
Cheaper electricity by 2018
Power and Energy Minister W.D.J. Seneviratna assured that over four
million electricity consumers in the country will be provided
electricity at very cheap rates by 2018 with the commissioning of the
country's four major power projects at Norochcholai, Upper Kotmale,
Kerawalapitiya and Trincomalee.
The Minister was speaking at the traditional `Roofing Ceremony',
conducted by the Chinese constructors at the Norochcholai Coal Power
Project site, last week.
The ceremony was attended by a 30-member Chinese Buddhist delegation
and 25 Bhikkus from Malwatta, Asgiriya, Amarapura and Ramanna Chapters.
In addition, Senior Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa and
Religious Affairs Minister Pandu Bandaranayake, several Chinese
political leaders and diplomatic officials from both countries also
attended the `Roofing Ceremony'.
Minister Seneviratne said the first phase of this Chinese Government
funded Norochcholai Coal Power Project which is constructed at a cost of
455 million US dollars will add 300 MW to the national grid and the
commissioning of the project will be in March next year.
He said the second and third phases of the Coal Power project will be
completed by 2013 and thereafter an additional 600 MW will be added to
the national grid.
The Minister said the main construction work of the phase one will be
completed before the end of this year and the CEB is expected to
generate 300 MW and another 600 MW will also be generated from the
second and third phases which will be completed by 2013.
According to Minister Seneviratne Sri Lanka's second coal power plant
which has the capacity to generate 1,000 MW will be constructed in
Trincomalee before the end of this year.
Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa said that generating more
electricity is essential at this juncture since the Government has many
plans to develop the agricultural, fisheries, industrial and other
sectors, especially after finishing the three decade old war.
Addressing the media after the ceremony, Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB)
Media Secretary Harsha Abayakoon said that 75 per cent of the first
phase of this mega project has now been completed.
He also recalled the objections raised by residents in the
Norochcholai and Upper Kotamale areas, but the CEB was able to handle it
in a proper manner.
A nearly 1,400 Chinese workforce including engineers, helpers,
welders and fitters are working round the clock at the site, while about
400 Sri Lankan labourers and nearly 10 engineers also assist the Chinese
workforce. Planting a Bo-Sapling, brought from Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi,
Anuradhapura and the installation of a replica of Buddha Statue from the
Shaolin Temple in China also took place to coincide with the ceremony.