Ramazan fasting - Paying homage to Almighty Allah
by Mohammed NAALIR
Muslims all over the world sacrifice their material needs during the
Ramazan fast to pay homage to the Almighty by giving up their food and
other substances which are crucial to survive.
According to Islamic principles worldly life is unstable and it is a
harvest land of life after death. If one sows more and more one can
harvest more in the jannah. One cannot achieve this goal without
sacrificing his life for the Almighty during his lifetime.
Allah has revealed five compulsory duties which should be carried out
by Muslims. Islam has given a systematic order such as Kalimah (the
belief in God and prophet Muhammad). This should be done by the mind.
The second is five time compulsory prayers. The third is fasting.
Muslims throughout the world fast in the Month of Ramazan every year.
The fourth is Zakath (charity). Zakath must be given based on the
financial strength of a Muslim. The fifth is the final compulsory duty
of Islam that should be fulfilled by those who possess enough wealth to
fulfil the Haj and to feed his family simultaneously.
Fasting is a practical way of realising the hunger and thirst
experienced by the poor. This will lead the wealthy people to do more
charity towards the poverty stricken people in society. As such
Islamists consider Ramazan as the Holy Month. Based on the needs Islam
has divided Ramazan month into three parts, each comprising 10 days. In
the first phase Muslims will fast begging for blessings and in the
second period they fast asking for pardon of God for their previous
sins. During the third phase Muslims unanimously beg of Allah for the
release from the abyss.
The fasting must be carried out perfectly without leaving room for
unwanted temptations and feelings arising in the mind. It has been
scientifically also accepted that the fasting is a medicine for
diabetics and cholesterol related diseases caused to the human body.
Fasting must start before the dawn and continue until the azan for
the Mahrib prayers is called.If a Muslim is perfectly healthy he or she
must compulsorily fast every year in the Ramazan month until his death.
The Lailathul kadhr night most probably which falls in the 27th day
of the Ramazan is the most important night in the whole month. But this
night cannot be predicted as it is hidden by the Allah. But there is a
clue that it may fall on the odd numbered days. So the Muslims must be
engaged in performing more merits in the odd number days from 21st day
of Ramazan to the 29th.
During this month special Tharavih and Withru prayers will be held in
the mosques.
Without colour and other ethnic difference the Muslims throughout the
world will pay their homage to the Almighty in every part of the
world.Sawm is Arabic word referring to the fasting which means
refraining from having something. The Arabians have trained their horses
to be able to resist hunger and thirst. So this term relates to the
Allah says that the Mumin sacrificed eating and drinking which are
most important to one to survive and other sensations for me so I am the
gift for those sacrifice. Ten fold merit will be granted by Allah if one
commits one fold merit.
According to "Muslim" merit will be granted from 10 to 700 fold for
meritorious activity in the Ramazan month. Allah says relating to the
fasting that as it is for me I am the gift for it. There are two types
of happiness to a Mumin who is fasting. The first one is when ending the
fasting in the evening (Ifthar). At this time he feels a different
happiness. The second is that the smell coming from the mouths of those
who are fasting is supreme than musk in the presence of the Almighty.
Due to these two statements we can study why Allah is keeping the
Ramazan in his possession.
The human being sacrifices his desires, aspirations, feelings, hunger
and thirst to get close to Allah. The fasting as far as possible closes
the two main doors of fithna (conflicts) such as mouth and sex organs.
Due to these organs the human being falls into unwanted problems.
Prophet Muhammad (sal) also recommended that those who protect these
organs will definitely enter the Jannathul firdhouse (most luxury
In another time Prophet Muhammad (Sal) revealed that he would warrant
the heaven to the Mumin who successfully protected the organ between the
lips and the lap.The fasting specially help to protect both organs from
committing evils.When the Ramazan comes, the doors of heaven are opened.
Al-Quran says that the fasting has been assigned to you as was to your
Ramazan will be a training to evacuate the unwanted passions from the
mind. The fasting makes one perfect in the manner to follow the Sharia
(Islamic law) properly.
Fasting will lead to thousands of good qualities in the mind of the
Muslim. The good qualities of compassion and dedication arise in the
mind of the Muslims.
He gets an opportunity to feel the grievances, sadness and the
hardships being faced by poverty stricken people and not having to fill
their stomachs daily as well as the day to day needs.
He comes closer and calms the hunger of the underprivileged.
Ibnu Abbas (Rali) said that when Ramazan comes, Prophet Muhammad
becomes the philanthropist.Prophet Muhammad is a Philanthropist. When
Ramazan comes he extends charity to the downtrodden according to
The real goal of fasting is to convert the mind, body, thinking and
soul towards the Almighty. This can be possible only by fasting.
When the last portion of Ramazan comes Prophet Muhammad will be
engaged in doing merit and also insists that family members be involved
in acquiring merit. The victory of the fasting depends on the
controlling of the mind and material desires. Eating is a must, but it
is not the life. But mankind spends most of the time in eating and
Fasting is difficult for some. They think that they cannot pass the
day without partaking in food. They will be engaged in recreational
activities to spend the day.
They keep playing chess, reading magazines and are deeply involved in
reading story books and completely concentrating their minds on tele
The Almighty will never acknowledge such fasting. There is no meaning
in such fasting apart from being hungry throughout the day. Until one
stops lying he or she will not be accepted by Allah (reported by Abu
Huraira (Rali)).
Instead one must read useful books and read the Quran which is most
These activities will increase his or her status in the presence of
God. The audio cassettes comprising the recital of the Holy Quran is
also desirable in the Ramazan month. Those who are fasting can memorise
mansoon duas and can read or memorise most important versions of the
Holy Quran.
The thinking and thoughts must be pure. Involving in activities which
break the fasting must be avoided. One must monitor his or her thoughts