Amendment to Local Authority Bill, the first
Major changes to election system soon
The Parliament on Wednesday made its first move
towards changing the current electoral system by unanimously
endorsing the Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Bill to make
drastic changes in the Local Authorities election system,
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Use of human shields:
LTTE violated int’l humanitarian laws
How far international laws of war and related
punishment apply to terrorist organisations is something that needs
far more attention than is presently given. No law will have face
value when those not-signatory,
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Judging Sri Lanka through Western lenses
Emboldened by the back-door attack on Sri Lanka
led by the US at the UNHRC in March - April this year the global
network of the anti-Sri Lankan lobby has accelerated its offensive
to increase international pressure hoping that they can get
somewhere if they strike now when the iron is hot.
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