Egypt tensions spark clashes in Cairo's Tahrir Square
13 October BBC
Fresh clashes have broken out in the Egyptian
capital Cairo in the worst violence since President Mohammed Mursi
took office at the end of June. Scores of people were reported
injured as supporters and opponents of Mr Mursi fought in Tahrir
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NASA’s Curiosity rover finds ‘unusual rock’
13 October BBC
It was expected to be just another lump of dull
basalt, but the first rock examined up close by NASA’s Mars rover
proved to be a little more interesting. The pyramidal object,
nicknamed “Jake Matijevic” after a recently deceased mission
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Women's hearts 'get twice the benefit from fish oil than men's
13 October Daily Mail
Eating oily fish may boost women’s heart health
more than men’s, claim researchers.The oils - found in fish like
salmon, mackerel and tuna are known to improve chances of surviving
a repeat heart attack. But a new study suggests women could benefit
more from their effect on the heart.
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Bee brains help to make robots smarter
13 October BBC
Honey bee brains could soon be helping robots
act more independently. The way that bees smell and see is being
studied in a £1m project to produce a simulation of the insect's
sensory systems. The simulated bee brain will then be used by a
flying robot to help it make decisions about how to navigate safely.
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