In response to media queries:
Leaked UN report indicative of woeful bias - Rajiva Wijesinha
Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha who was the head of the Peace Secretariat
during the final stages of the battle against terror in 2009, responding
to questions from IRIN, a UN news agency focusing on humanitarian
stories, clarifies the issues raised in the leaked UN internal report -
'Secretary General's Internal Review Panel on UN's Action in Sri Lanka.'
The report leaked to the BCC even before it was handed over to
Secretary General Ban ki Moon on Wednesday claimed the United Nations
failed 'gravely' in its mandate in Sri Lanka due to its failure in
preventing 30,000 civilian deaths, a figure which has not been
substantiated by facts.
It has criticised the UN leadership, UN Security Council and top UN
officials in Sri Lanka.
The excerpts of the interview he did with IRIN which is slated to be
published in the future:
"I no longer have any executive responsibilities, so I cannot speak
for the government, but as a former government official, who headed the
Peace Secretariat during the conflict period, I feel that much has been
omitted. As with the Darusman Report, there seems to have been reliance
on allegations that have not been substantiated, and inadequate
attention has been paid to facts that can established. "I have only gone
through the main part of the Report, but amongst omissions there are:
a) Failure to record that the government initially wanted WFP and
UNHCR to stay on in the Wanni, along with the ICRC, when it asked other
agencies to leave. Some Non-Governmental agencies had allowed the LTTE
to use their vehicles for military purposes, and at least one worker
declared that he thought he should be fighting for the LTTE, so you can
see why government could not allow such people to continue en masse.
There was also the suspicious case of an attack on a FORUT vehicle,
which suggested some connivance, and clearly it was best to ensure that
no casualties occurred. However the agencies that provided the most
needed assistance were specifically asked to stay.
b) The record of damage to Kilinochchi is minimal, including after
the UN agencies left. As head of the Peace Secretariat, I would check
each day on any allegations of abuse, and ask for explanations, and the
records I have (in Colombo, but I will go over them again if you wish)
indicate minimal harm to civilians. There were I think over 400 air
attacks, for instance, until Kilinochchi fell, and allegations of
civilian deaths were made in less than 30 attacks, and in over 20 of
these the numbers were one or two. It is a pity that similar concern is
not shown by the UN, or those who now criticise the UN about Sri Lanka,
about civilian deaths in drone strikes and other attacks that seem to
violate norms of conduct with complete impunity.
c) There is no reference in the main report to the visits of the UN
Representative on the Rights of the Displaced, and glancing through the
appendices I believe only his December 2007 visit is mentioned.
This seems bizarre, when there are allegations about the welfare
centres, and we invited him two or three times and did our best to abide
by his recommendations. Certainly we stuck by the guiding principles of
the Brookings document, and our relations with him were very positive.
d) Para 17 is full of falsehoods, in that Convoy 11, which has been
used to spread much disinformation, was not trapped for two weeks. Most
of the convoy returned a couple of days later, but a couple of members
decided to stay on to try to negotiate with the LTTE to free the local
UN workers and their families who had been refused permission to leave.
Day after day the government was told they were to be granted
permission to leave, which meant offensives were halted (to the benefit
of the LTTE) but the LTTE proved intransigent. The UN officials finally
got away by joining, as instructed by our forces, the back of the ICRC
convoy which was bringing people for treatment.
It should be noted that there was no transparency about the two UN
officials who had stayed voluntarily, because records show one
international member of staff (Colonel Haroun) and one national, but
much has been cited from someone called Peter Mckie. Later the Head of
UN Security thanked the army for its cooperation with that convoy.
e) The evidence of the Resident Coordinator with regard to the first
day on which casualties running into three figures were alleged, that he
believed most of the firing came from the LTTE, has been ignored, as
also the testimony of the Bishop of Jaffna on that day, when he issued a
public appeal to the LTTE to withdraw its heavy weaponry from amongst
the people in the No Fire Zone.
f) Though satellite imagery is mentioned, the report of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, that graveyards did not
increase in size, and that damage to houses was probably due to people
taking away materials, is not mentioned. Given the stress laid on
reports by Human Rights Watch, it is sad that this refutation of its
claims (despite earlier assertions that the AAAS Report would prove its
allegations) is unfortunate.
"I should add that claims about most casualties arising from
government action, and about the numbers in the Wanni, are based on
selective accounts, though I would agree that we should have been more
rigorous about disproving such claims long ago, and certainly when the
Darusman report came out."Finally, though perhaps not of great
significance in terms of UN responsibilities, but indicative of woeful
bias, are the opening remarks about State caused disappearances without
explaining that most of these relate to the southern conflict rather
than the ethnic one, and the claim that President Rajapaksa was backed
by a nationalist coalition.
Nationalist parties were part of that coalition, but so were parties
with the most pluralistic reputation in Sri Lanka, including the old
Marxist parties and the Liberal party - and almost all Tamil parties
excepting those who were under the control of the LTTE in 2005.
Compiled by Manjula Fernando