Agri project in Valaichchenai
The National Paper Company Limited jointly with Brio Agro (Pvt)
Limited launched a new agriculture project at its paper mill premises in
Valaichchenai in Batticaloa.
Competent Authority, Mangala Senerath said that the project will
diversify the business of the company and put to better use the huge
resources of the company which was abandoned for over three decades.
We have over 350 acres of land and the huge Vakaneri reservoir and
pump house that provides water to the Pasikuda area.
“On the instructions of Ministry Secretary, Willi Gamage we have
prepared an extensive program to utilise these assets that were
abandoned or under-utilised to increase revenue,” Senarath said.
“We have already reached break-even point in paper production at the
Valaichchenai mill and will be able to earn profits in the coming
months,” he said.
In phase I of the project ,100 acres of land will be developed and of
them 60 acres will be used to cultivate maize, 10 acres each for papaya,
banana and moringa (murunga) cultivation, five acres for mango and
another five acres for other vegetables. The project will provide 150
In phase II of the project it will set up cottages for agro- tourism,
a dairy farm, export processing centre for fruits and vegetables and a
bio gas plant.
The project is launched to co-incide with the birthday of the
President Mahinda Rajapaksa and factory employees will take part in
religious observances. The chief guest will be the District Secretary of
the Batticaloa district.