Diabetes Assn conducts free screening in Colombo
A leading milk food company has recorded a three-year cooperation
agreement with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) to encourage
healthy lifestyles through balanced nutrition, adequate physical
activity and stress reduction from an early age, to prevent type two
The Diabetes Association of Sri Lanka (DASL) marked World Diabetes
Day recently in Colombo.Diabetes awareness education material was
distributed at entry points to Colombo on World Diabetes Day.
DASL representatives and volunteer employees of the company were
based at four central locations in the city to conduct free diabetes
screening for risk factors and glucometer blood sugar testing for the
benefit of the public.
Honorary Director of the National Diabetes Centre and Secretary of
DASL, Dr. Mahen Wijesuriya said, "Our mantra for World Diabetes Day is
wellness without illness through healthy lifestyles."
- SJ