Oral health promotion project in NWP
The Sri Lanka Dental Association (SLDA) and Unilever Sri Lanka,
launched the 'Live Learn Laugh' oral health promotion project in 2006.
The 'Live Learn Laugh' project is funded by FDI World Dental Federation
and Unilever Global.
Phase II of 'Live, Learn, Laugh' (LLL) was launched in the North
Western Province to inculcate the habit of brushing twice a day with
fluoride toothpaste to children in 150 schools. The Sri Lanka Dental
Association, Unilever Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Education and the
Ministry of Health are the main stakeholders. Under Phase II, the LLL
project has already been implemented in 50 schools and plan to implement
it in 100 more schools by taking two batches of 50 schools each in
January and May 2013.
Brand Manager of Signal, Mihira Kulathunga said, "Unilever through
Signal had been instilling good oral hygiene habits among people since
We are committed to promoting dental care, educating the masses on
oral hygiene and implementing strategies to promote dental care among