Kottegoda Oration by Prof. Anoja Fernando
The annual S. R. Kottegoda Oration will be delivered by Prof Anoja
Fernando, former Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, on
November 23 at 5:30pm at the SLAAS Auditorium 120/10, VIdya Mawatha
Colombo 7.
The topic of the 2012 oration which centres on ethics in science and
medicine will be, 'Teaching Ethics and Humanities to Medical
Students'.Professor Fernando, now retired from the University of Ruhuna,
initially joined the Department of Pharmacology , University of Colombo
where she worked with Professor Kottegoda.
Subsequently, she held the chair of Professor of Pharmacology at the
newly formed University of Ruhuna and eventually, Dean, Faculty of
Medicine there. She had her primary and secondary education at Musaeus
College and Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo respectively.Professor
Kottegoda's interests extended outside Pharmacology and Medicine to
Photography and Plants. He brought all these interests together in a
book published a few months before his death in 1995.