DA Rajapaksa memorial oration 2012 on Nov. 29
The Rajapaksa Memorial Educational, Cultural and Social Services
Foundation has organised the D.A. Rajapaksa Commemorative Oration, 2012
which will be delivered by Dr. Amal Gunasena, Senior Researcher and
Lecturer, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
on formation of a developed, unitary Sri Lankan State through a
trilingual culture after the influence of the social transformation from
the British Period to Modern Times on November 29 at 4.30 p.m. at Temple
Grantha Visharada, Sanskrutha Chakrawarthi Rajakeeya Panditha,
Aggamaha Panditha Most Ven. Davuldena Gnanissara Mahanayake Thera of the
Sri Lanka Amarapura Sect will preside.