Pata-Timber and Hay-Red talks
Energetic Pata-Timber and Bell Boy Viji-Ta Hay-Red were in animated
conversation at the re-launch of the Leader when a photographer
approached them to capture a rare shot. Hay-Red who readily obliged to
pose later said that the press would twist it by stating that he and
Pata-Timber were having a pow-wow on a political move.
Jonah checkmates Love-Slave
Saa-jeet, the Love-Slave and Wattala Jonah had a heated argument over
the allocation of time in the debate for the Bud-Jet at the House of
Diyawanna. To undercut Love-Slave, Jonah had reduced Love-Slave's time
to 30 minutes. Eventually, Love-Slave had to 'beg' for five minutes each
from two other Opposition members to extend his 'talk time'.
Greens get another economic pundit
"It seems that the You-En-Pee has got a better economic doctor than
Hurr-Shah", a Colombo District Green Em Pee told a colleague in the
Lobby after Love-Slave proffered his 'expert' ideas on the Bud-Jet at
the House of Diyawanna. Even Love-Slave's better half is unaware of his
efforts to compile the speech, having consulted experts with real
doctorates in economics.
Aso-Car's deal with Green leader
Aso-Car, one of the three Greem Em Pees whose party membership has
been suspended for attending Fonny's controversial meeting at Hyde Park,
is getting ready for a 'U' turn. Ran-House Banda and Pali-Tea Theva will
be isolated and expelled from the Elephant Party if Aso-Car secures a
deal with the Green leader. |