Insects find a way to drown man-made noises
Birds and frogs do it, even whales have been known to do it. Now
scientists have for the first time shown that insects also change the
way they sing to one another when drowned out by man-made noises.
Grasshoppers living next to a main road respond to the increased
background volume of passing traffic by adjusting their summer courtship
songs, scientists have discovered.
To make themselves heard above the low-rumble noise pollution of
moving vehicles, male bow-winged grasshoppers of central Europe alter
the pitch of their songs' lower notes so that they rise to a
mini-crescendo, the scientists found.
"Bow-winged grasshoppers produce songs that include low and high
frequency components," said Ulrike Lampe of the University of Bielefeld
in Germany, who led the study published in the journal Functional
"We found that grasshoppers from noisy habitats boost the volume of
the lower-frequency part of their song, which makes sense since road
noise can mask signals in this part of the frequency spectrum," Dr Lampe
The effects of man-made noise on the sounds made by animals has been
fairly well documented in vertebrates - creatures with a backbone - but
has hardly been studied in the invertebrates such as insects, she said.
"We know that birds shift the frequencies of their songs or use songs
with higher mean frequencies under noisy conditions.
Alter their calling rate in response to high background noise
levels," Dr Lampe said.
Whales are also believed to alter their acoustic communications in
response of the high-volume noises made by military submarines, ships
and underwater explosions.
The bow-winged grasshopper, grows about 1.5cm long and varies in
colour from green and brown to red and purple.
They "sing" by rubbing a toothed file on their hind legs against the
"bow" of a protruding vein in their front wings, rather like a cello.
To attract females during July and September, adult males sing two
second-long "phrases" to each song which increase in volume toward the
Slow ticking sounds begin each phrase, which increase in speed and
amplitude culminating in a buzzing sound towards the end.
Dr Lampe and her colleagues thought that the low-frequency region of
the song might be masked by traffic noise which is why they decided to
study the species.
"Bow-winged grasshoppers are a good model organism to study sexual
selection because females can respond to male courtship songs with their
own low-frequency acoustic signal, if they are attracted to a male
song," Dr Lampe said.
"Since males produce broadband signals with a maximum in the
ultrasound region (above 30 kHz) and a smaller, but significant peak in
the region between six and 10 kHz, we thought about the possibility that
this lower part of the frequency spectrum might be degraded or masked by
anthropogenic noise, such as traffic noise," she said.
The scientist collected 188 male bow-winged grasshoppers, half from
next to a busy road and half from open grassland without any noise
pollution, and compared the frequency range of their songs. They
recorded nearly 1,000 songs.The traffic noise imposed on the urban
grasshoppers could be having a serious effect on their ability to find
suitable mates, Dr Lampe said.
"Increased noise levels could affect grasshopper courtship in several
ways. It could prevent females from hearing male courtship songs
properly, prevent females from recognising males of their own species,
or impair females' ability to estimate how attractive a male is from his
song," she said.
"We don't know this, yet. We want to find out more about female
preferences for spectral parameters of the songs and whether traffic
noise affects these preferences in some way," she said.
- The Independent