TNA follows bidding of LTTE cohorts
by K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga
War crimes, human rights violations, media freedom and public
protests are attractive headlines that surface from time to time, each
time before an international fora or sessions of the United Nation’s
Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Those are the periods even Callum Macrae
and his men, who produced the notorious No Fire Zone to discredit Sri
Lanka on controversial British television Channel 4, work overtime to
discredit Sri Lanka.
The rebuilt
library of Vayavilan MMV, in Jaffna. |
The Elephant
Pass railway station being rebuilt. |
With Sri Lanka gearing to host the 2013 Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting (CHOGM) in November and the upcoming UNHRC sessions
in Geneva, international nosy parkers are back in their business of
discrediting Sri Lanka.
The LTTE cohorts and certain quarters in the West made every effort
to tarnish Sri Lanka’s image and force the Commonwealth to move the 2013
CHOGM out of Sri Lanka. But when all those sinister moves became
unsuccessful, they have now resorted to a different tactic.
Macrae initially attempted to make a huge issue on media
accreditation for the the 2013 CHOGM. Macrae and his men prayed for a
situation that Sri Lanka would prevent them from coming here. Their
target was to see them being denied of media accreditation for the 2013
CHOGM so that they could make a huge issue out of it.
When the Government announced that all international journalists who
had followed proper media accreditation application would be granted
access, Macrae’s plan went for a six. He must now be ‘cooking a fresh
story’ and it won’t be a surprise if Macrae and his disgraceful Channel
4 release another film on the eve of the 2013 CHOGM summit in Colombo.
Even then, they will face an issue on credibility as most people in
the international community are now acutely aware how Macrae and his
goons have come out with concocted stories to mislead the West. LTTE
cohorts and a section of the Tamil Disapora have spent a colossal amount
of money to produce such films through their agents in international
Channel-4 has made serious mistakes by misinterpreting what the
witnesses have said in Tamil, to suit the Channel-4 agenda. The 'Killing
Fields' documentary, the civilians who spoke in Tamil at no stage stated
that the attacks were carried out specifically by Sri Lanka’s Security
Forces, rather they always mentioned that “they attacked”, leaving it
Anyone with a sound knowledge of the Tamil language would identify
the serious mistakes and misinterpretations and manipulations done to
suit the Channel-4 agenda. As the civilians’ statements constitute
important evidence in any conflict, tampering them to give a completely
false view, is a matter of serious concern.
The LTTE was not an ordinary group of terrorists, but was one in
which all its cadres mandatorily carried cyanide capsules to kill
themselves if captured by the Army. It was also a ruthless terrorist
group which never hesitated to use even disabled and pregnant women as
suicide bombers to achieve its objectives.
Irrespective of Sri Lanka’s categorical rejection of the Channel-4
footage and its authenticity, Sri Lanka nevertheless, is in the process
of investigating the allegations. In this context, Sri Lanka’s request
to Channel-4 to provide original materials available with them to help
the investigation process rather than pleading for Pounds through
projects such as the ‘Kick-starter’, to go on a globe-trotting venture
with the film.
The damage and injustice to the ordinary Sri Lankan people by the
controversial film was immense. These people had been yearning for
nothing but peace, dignity and normalcy in life. If the supporters of
this venture believe that by cooking up stories like the 'No Fire Zone'
can bring them peace and dignity, it is nothing but a grave mistake.
But time is now opportune to make a careful study of countries and
people who often pontificate to us on human rights.
These countries in the West should not be allowed anymore to shout
from the rooftops on human rights in Sri Lanka when they have loads of
rubbish in their backyards.
Canada depicts itself a ‘Paragon of Virtue’, acts as the model of
excellence on democracy, good governance, rule of law and human rights
giving advice and counseling to nations such as Sri Lanka.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said that he will not be
attending the 2013 CHOGM, alleging that the country’s human rights
record is not impressive. Despite the ‘counseling’ position Canada has
thrust upon itself to pontificate Sri Lanka, Canada has given the
country’s spy agency - Canadian Security Information Service -
permission to use information extracted from suspects through torture,
despite claims that it would never use such data, according to a Press
TV report.
It has now come to light how Canada’s intelligence services,
including the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC),
recently got an annual budget of about 400 million dollars to use and
share information extracted through the use of torture, despite the
Canadian government’s claim that it does not condone such acts. Human
rights activists condemned the move, arguing that Canada is propagating
the use of torture. Secretary General of Amnesty International, Canada,
Robert Alexander has said that whenever information obtained under
torture is used by other people, whoever that may be - a police officer,
a government agency, a journalist, anyone , “then all that it does is
encourage the torturers to continue to torture. It’s essentially
creating a market”.
In a directive, issued in December 2010, the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service was given permission to employ such information in
cases where it claimed ‘public safety is at stake’.
The move is part of a broader, so-called Five Eyes intelligent
sharing network involving the United States, Britain, Australia and New
It was reported that the Canadian government has quietly given
Canada’s national police force and the federal border agency the
authority to use and share information that was likely extracted through
torture. Newly disclosed records show Public Safety Minister Vic Toews
issued the directives to the RCMP and the Canada Border Services Agency
shortly after giving similar orders to Canada’s spy service. The
government directives state that protection of life and property are the
chief considerations when deciding on the use of information that may
have been derived from torture.
Blind eye
It was also exposed how USA’s influential cabinet member, former US
Secretary of State and United States ambassador to the United Nations -
1993 to 2000 - during Bill Clinton presidency, Madeleine K. Albright
turned a blind eye and ignored the open genocide and carnage in Rwanda
in 1994. She subsequently side stepped taking ‘global action’ against
the Rwandan perpetrators led by their current president Paul Kagame.
Albright was the US Secretary of State during the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.
In a report released recently in Washington, authored by her, the
United States And R2P: From Word To Action - Commissioned by the U.S.
Holocaust Museum, the US. Institute of Peace and the Brookings
Institution, Albright had the audacity and nakedness to use the
‘interpretations’, ‘fabrications’, and ‘diabolical falsehood’ provided
by the separatist-elements of the Tamil Diaspora in labeling Sri Lanka
as a ‘genocidal state’, a term the activists within the Tamil Diaspora
continually use to depict this South Asian nation before the
international community.
Madeleine Albright is the last person who could brand Sri Lanka of
‘genocidal actions’ during the country’s relentless battle against
terrorism. Clinton’s ambassador to the UN (from, 1993-1997) got the US
administration to ignore the open genocide in Rwanda and failed as the
American envoy to the world body to initiate action to stop the killings
witnessed by the entire world. She further failed to take steps as the
US secretary of state (1997-2000) in the Clinton administration to get
Paul Kagame who grabbed political power through the genocide to face
consequences but let him run the country.
Humanitarian operation
The same Albright, in the July 22 report, made a disgraceful attempt
to paint a gloomy picture on Sri Lanka, alleging as a genocide state.
She seems to have conveniently forgotten the fact that it was a merely a
humanitarian operation that Sri Lanka’s Security Forces had carried out
to liberate over half a million people from the jaws of death and secure
the lives of over 21 million Sri Lankans. Where were these officials
when Sri Lanka was at the receiving end with Prabhakaran and his goons
were playing with the lives of an entire nation?
The genocide in Ruwanda was based on two ethnic groups, the Hutu and
the Tutsi. The population in the year 1994 was approximately seven
million people of which 85% was Hutu, 14% Tutsi, and 1% was Twa. The
Hutus feared the minority and the Tutsi rule because of the population
increase and social, political and economic pressures.
Estimated reports said that over 800,000, or 75 percent of the Tutsi
population in Rwanda, were killed in the genocide. Anyone suspected of
being a Tutsi was killed while fleeing the roadblocks and leaving the
country. Hutus opposing the genocide were also killed, being proclaimed
traitors. The Hutu extremists, called the Interahamwe were successful in
their genocide.
Paul Kagame, the leader of the Rwanda Patriotic Front, that invaded
the country with the support of Uganda, became the president of Rwanda.
But all those who now come out with concocted stories and weep buckets
of crocodile tears were fast asleep then.
Human shield
Sri Lanka waged a battle against terrorism, that too against the
world’s most ruthless terrorist outfit in the world. The Government was
duty bound to protect its people and the Security Forces merely
exercised their right to protect people against a group of terrorists
who had been forcibly holding over half a million hapless civilians as a
human shield.
Countries such as the US have done everything under the sun in the
guise of national security. As a sovereign state, Sri Lanka too should
enjoy the same inalienable right. The West should not forget the fact
that Sri Lanka has merely exercised its right to defend. Be it the US,
Sri Lanka or any other sovereign nation, they should enjoy the same
right when it comes to the national security and territorial integrity.
The West should no longer get carried away by various ploys adopted by
the LTTE cohorts to woo international sympathy. People in the North and
the East, who have begun a new lease of life after being rescued by the
Security Forces four to five years ago, will provide enough and more
proof on the legitimacy of the humanitarian operation.
Democratic right
People in the North have now got a chance to elect representatives of
their choice to run the provincial administration. President Mahinda
Rajapaksa requested people in North to seize the opportunity and elect
their own representatives in the upcoming Provincial Councils election
without fear or intimidation.
Prabhakaran undermined the power of the ballot through the bullet and
the people in the North had been deprived of their democratic right. It
was President Rajapaksa who have give people in the North their
democratic right again.
President Rajapaksa told the monthly breakfast meeting with media
heads that people in the North who were deprived of their democratic
right by the terrorists for more than three decades have already
exercised their franchise at Presidential, General and Pradeshiya Sabha
elections. Participating in a democratic process is a clear indication
of new freedom they are currently enjoying.
It is the duty of the people in the North not to fall prey for the
Minister moves of the TNA, which had shown a blind eye when the people
in the province had been subjected to LTTE terror.
The Tiger-proxy party has not done anything for their own people.
Hence, Sampanthan and his men do not have any moral right to beg for
votes of the people in the North. Sampanthan has only danced to the
melody of the LTTE and the Tiger sympathisers in the West. Neither
Sampanthan nor his TNA leaders read the pulse of the people in the
They only understand the whims and fancies of the LTTE cohorts and a
section of the Tamil Diaspora which funds them. That is far from the
aspirations of Tamils in the North. Could a Colombo 7 resident such as
Vigneshwaran ever feel the pulse of the oridinary Tamils in the North
who had undergone untold hardship due to LTTE’s three decades of terror?