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Sunday, 4 August 2013





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Ramazan - the blessed month of the Quran

The Al-Quran- what a profound book it is. Allah has gifted this Book to humanity. See how it inspires us. "Read" is the very first word that commanded humanity. It is significant that the starting point of Islam begins with the word 'Read'! This indicates that striving for knowledge and understanding in the correct perspective has been the motivating factor of the Quran.

Almighty Allah commanded in the Quran to read, Why? Isn't it reading that opened vistas of intellectual heritage, long before the advent of the electronic media. Allah says, "Indeed there has come to you from Allah a light - Prophet Muhammod S.A.W and a plain book this Quran for those who seek his good pleasure ways of peace and he brings them out of darkness by His will into light and guide them to the straight way "(5:15, 16) The word Quran is derived from the word "Ikra which is Arabic means to recite read : for research of self-knowledge, spiritual understanding and all sciences. The Quran also has other names such as Al Hudha - The guidance, .. the light Kalamulla the word of God. It is designated - Al - Furqan that is a Book which teaches man to distinguish between different values and right and wrong.

The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language at a time when, men in Arabia needed guidance. But the revelations are so unique that they are for all time and for all mankind. As Allah says in Ch;41:1 "this is a Book which be have revealed unto you" ... in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness into light, by their Lords leave"

At the same time Allah proclaims in Sura 2:256 "Let there be no compulsion in religion "Even in the field of religion, Islam has kept open the door of free thinking - for, religion is based on faith and free will.

Before analysing the quranic injunctions, let us drink deep the enchanting language of the magnificent book! It is of such exquisite style and its captivating language is almost poetical.

Mohamed Marmaduke Pikthal who translated the Quran says" The Holy Quran in its original Arabic language has a sublime beauty and charm of its own. Couched in concise and exalted style, its pregnant sentences often rhymed, possess an expressive force and energy, which it is impossible to convey by translating into any other language."

The magical words of the Quran has a magnetic effect on the listener. Its rhetoric is unique that the Quran without posing a direct injunction reminds you for example by way of question. "Have we not made for him a pair of eyes? And a tongue and a pair of lips? And show him the two ways (good and evil) "(90:89, 10) Allah asks", do they not then think deeply in the Quran, or are their hearts locked up? 47:24, And when the female infant buried shall be questioned for what sin she was killed? (81:8,9) Only Allah the merciful could have used such heart rending style in his divine message, doesn't this verse melt even the hardest of hearts and make the eyes fill with tears?

Such is the majestic eloquence of the Quranic text-persuasive beautiful, concise and most appealing. The figurative language used is poetical and lofty. Though the sentences end in rhyme it is neither poetry nor prose. Its powerful expressions would captivate the audience. Didn't its melodious beauty and truthfulness affect even the great warrior Omar, who became the second caliph of Islam? This divine book revealed by the Lord himself is an excellent source of knowledge for those who seek to discover the secret of the universe. The Quran does not insist on anyone to accept dogmas without inquiry.

The Quran which was revealed on the 27th day of Ramazan continued for 23 years contains all secular and moral laws that can guide mankind to lead a righteous life! It gives me immense pleasure to give readers a glimpse of what this Holy inimitable gift carries in its cherished pages. There is nothing that the Quran has not elucidated. It admonishes the people on: orphans and women suras 4;2 and 4:4 and give to the orphans their property and do not exchange your bad things for their good ones" and devour not their sustenance by adding it to your substance surly this is a great sin "Let not the enmity and thatred for others make you avoid justice 5:8 give the woman whom you marry their Mahr" (Obligatory money given by the husband to his wife of the time of marriage) with a good heart" The Quran pinpoints even mundane affairs and admonishes the people". O"you who believe I avoid much suspicion indeed some suspicions are sins and spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?" 49:12.

"Those who repress anger and who pardon men; Verity Allah loves Al - Muhsinoon - the good doers" 3:1134. The Quran focuses on moderation too. Oh children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer. Eat and drink Allah warns in 4;171 this." do not exceed the limits in your religion. He assures "Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope". (Q2:286)

Allah give man the capacity to learn, which he did not give to the angels and other creatures. That's the reason why the Prophet motivated with the profound saying "One hour of meditation on the work of the creator is better than seventy years of prayer. We realise the part the glorious Quran played in inspiring the Arab researchers in the scientific aspect of nature and the origin of man - according to the Quran is of aquatic origin." Consider this statement in sura 36:40 "It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day, they all float each in an orbit."

I sit it amazement with discovery of the mummy of the Pharaoh which is said to have been discovered as recently an in 1879, was specifically mentioned in the Quran thus." so this day we shall deliver your dead body (out from the sea) that you may be a sign to those who come after you. Ch: 10:92. In sura Luqman Allah enjoins "O my son! Perform as - Salat - fobid from disbelief in the oneness of Allah and bear with patience whatever befalls you" "And twin not ... face a way from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth verily Allah likes not the arrogant boaster".

"And be moderate in your walking and lower your voice. Verily the harshest of all voices is the braying of the ass" (31, 17, 18, 19)

The Quran gently recommends "Oh you who believe? Spend of the good things which you have legally earned (2:267). Also "If the debtor is in difficulty, then grant him time..."Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan so that he may multiply it for him many times? And it is Allah that increases or decreases your provisions 2:245. the Quran is the standing miracle of the Prophet SAW the Prophet and his companions lived the life taught in the Quran. Didn't Allah emphasise in Sura 32:21 "Indeed in the messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow". Wasn't the beloved Rasool the Quran personified?

It is beyond any human being to write about the wealth of information that the quranic wisdom reveals to us. Be it seeking knowledge secular, research or in any other sphere. The Quran encourages to delve deeply into the realms of the secrets of the universe. The mystery of sex the origin of life, of space, the alternation of day and night, astronomy, the human embryo and various things that are manifest. Subahanallah! The past scriptures, the challenges, He offered to the non-believers the history of bygone nations and ecology. Today the so-called civilized nations are trying to solve the injustice of racial discrimination. Fourteen centuries ago. The Quran upholds equality, dignity and fraternity of man in such a sublime way! And what will make you know the path that is steep? Its freeing a slave (90:112)

Time and again the merciful Lord warns man in its pages "And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. "Give thanks to me and to your parents 31:14.

The most appealing verse to me is "Reverence god through whom you demand your mutual rights and reverence the wombs that bore you (kinship). For Allah is ever an all Watcher over you 4:1 Although I love to write more, I will never be able to elucidate the vast area of knowledge this majestic treasure beams to humanity.


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