People-friendly service to be improved:
Pura Neguma model towns in 108 local bodies
By Ranil Wijayapala
Local Authorities across the country are the most-closest service
delivering mechanism of the people as it is the authority responsible
even to handle the garbage bin in the households and also the approving
agency of their housing plans and other construction. Apart from that
they are also playing a key role in providing the key infrastructure
facilities in the urban centres which has become the hub of the
community living in the respective Local Government Authority areas.
Brisk business
opens up |

Provincial Councils and Local
Government Ministry Secretary R.A.A.K. Ranawake |
However, many of the Local Government bodies in the backward areas in
the country where the development has taken place in a lesser pace, the
Local Authorities have failed in providing required infrastructure and
the services to the public. Therefore, these local bodies are becoming
more and more unpopular among the people as they are not in a position
to deliver the required services to the satisfaction of the people.
The Provincial Councils and the Local Government Ministry have
stepped into assist these local government bodies to enhance and improve
their infrastructure facilities under the Pura Neguma program.
"What we intend to do under this Pura Neguma project is to improve
the infrastructure service in selected local authorities", explaining
the objectives of the Pura Neguma program initiated by Provincial
Councils and Local Government Ministry, its Secretary R.A.A.K. Ranawake
told the Sunday Observer.
About 108 local authorities in seven provinces except in the Northern
and Eastern provinces have been selected to implement the infrastructure
facilities in those Local Government bodies.
"The Northern and Eastern provinces do not come under this project as
the Economic Development Ministry is having a separate program for the
Local Government bodies in the North and East", Ranawake said.
Improvement of the Local Government Infrastructure and Service
Delivery system, Local Government Policy Reforms and Capacity Building
Support and Project Management and Administration Support are the three
identified components of the Pura Neguma project.
"The project is funded by Asian Development Bank through a loan
facility of 59 Million USD with government contribution of 9.77 USD.
Therefore the total funding available to this project is about 68.77
million USD", the Secretary said.
"We have selected many backwards Local Government authority areas
under this project which are mostly located in areas with agriculture
economy and also which are away from the main cities in the country", he
Local bodies such as Teldeniya in Kandy district, Rattota in Matale
district, Maskeliya in the Nuwara Eliya district, Mahailluppallama in
Anuradhapura district, Giribawa in the Kurunegala district, Madampe in
the Puttalam district, Ayagama in the Ratnapura district, Dehiowita in
Kegalle district, Thawalama in the Galle district have been identified
for this project considering the geographical location and the
infrastructure development requirements.
"Many of the agricultural products of the rural population flow to
the markets through these towns and these towns are playing a role of a
connector to the community in these Local body areas.
Therefore we thought that we need to improve the infrastructure of
these small towns to facilitate the people who are arriving at these
places to get their works done", he said.
Infrastructure facilities such as weekly fairs, market places,
parking areas, public conveniences that can facilitate the people when
they come to the cities to get their services done will be improved
under this project.
"We want to ensure that people feel free and comfortable when getting
their services done at these city centres", he said.
But the development of infrastructure in these towns will not be done
in a traditional way. The Urban Development Authority and Physical
Planning Department are involved in planning these infrastructure
development projects in more modern and effective manner.
"When planning these cities we are taking into account the floating
population to the city, the number of vehicles coming to that town, the
geographical location of the town and various other factors when
planning a building or any other facility to that particular town", he
"We are improving only the most required facilities in these towns in
the most efficient manner. We are not investing money to build market
places that are becoming abandoned places within a few months after
construction. We are trying our best to maximise the service delivery of
that place without wasting funds unnecessarily to construct huge
buildings", the Secretary said.
"When designing Pradeshiya Sabha buildings, markets, weekly fairs or
any other building, much priority was given for the structural design of
the project and we are trying to get them done in Par with the latest
design available locally and internationally to have a good appearance
to that facility. We make sure that the design of that facility is not
outdated and it attracts the people", he said.
Keeping these towns clean is also given much priority under this
project and solid waste management projects are given top most priority.
"The project assists these local bodies for better solid waste
management system by providing them with tractors water bowsers and
waste bins. Apart from that the problems relating to the dumping sites
will be addressed under this project to make their solid waste
management projects more efficient", he said.
Development of drainage systems, providing parking facilities with
resting places for the drivers, comfort centres for the public coming to
the city to have a rest while attending to their work and having shrub
jungles within the town to make it more clean and fresh will also be
given prior attention under this project.
"When planning buildings whether it is a weekly fair, bus stand,
market place or any other building we are trying to make sure that these
places are energy efficient places by making use of the natural light
and ensuring fresh air coming into them", he said.
Even the public conveniences will also be constructed with better
access to the people and with modern facilities.
Under this project Rs.50 million will be allocated for each 108 Local
bodies selected for the project. "This is not sufficient, but we are
getting funds from other funding sources also to develop the
infrastructure in these towns parallel to the 'Pura Neguma project'.
"So we can see that these towns are becoming more efficient ones and
we are trying to make these cities model cities that can set examples to
the other towns in the country", the Secretary said.
The second component of the project aims at Local Government Policy
Reforms and Capacity Building Support.
"Under this component of the project we want to see that the Local
Authority offices are more comfortable and people friendly ones.
Therefore, the front offices of these local bodies will be improved to
deliver an efficient service to the public seeking their services", he
This will be done by having seats for the people to sit, the required
forms available to them at one counter and having some newspapers and
entertainment facilities for them to read.
"Accordingly we are hoping to improve these places to get the
people's work done from one counter," the Secretary said.
In addition 25 Pradeshiya Sabhas have been selected under this
project to improve computer data base for the service delivery system.
"That is to give a quick, correct, fast and quality service to the
people. For that we are providing required computers and computer
training for the officers to maintain these systems", he said.
"We also get the involvement of the Provincial Council in this
process. When selecting the projects under this program to get their
resources used for the quality assurance of the projects and for the
technical evaluation, approval of designs, estimates and bid documents
and Bid Evaluation Reports", he said.
This can reduce the spending for these projects by using the existing
resources of the Provincial Councils. "When there is a saving we can
make use of that for another sub project", he said.
When these sub projects are at the implementation stage they will be
subjected to public auditing system. The details of the sub projects
will be displayed publicly along with their details including the name
of the contractor and the material to be used. Telephone numbers will be
displayed on that boards enabling the public to make any complain in
this regard regarding misuse or adulteration of the quality of the
materials used.
"We are mentioning the starting date and the ending date of the
contract as the contractors used to delay the contracts for no reason
though they undertake the contract hurriedly", he said.
Under the third component of the project equipment required for the
maintenance of the facilities, training for the people to maintain those
systems will be provided.
"To get an efficient service out of these facilities we have to
maintain them properly. Therefore this component of the 'Pura Neguma'
project is also important he said.
The Local Government Members of the respective Pradeshiya Sabhas are
participating in selecting the project and also supervising the
implementation process.
The Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Council are acting as
the Executive Agency of the Project by establishing a Project Management
Unit (PMU) headed by project director to oversee and coordinate the
overall implementation of the project.
At provincial level the project is coordinated by Sub Project
Co-ordination Units. The SPCUs are headed by the Commissioner of Local
Government who is supported by Engineering and other necessary staff.
The SPCUs work closely with the selected Local Authorities of their
Province for smooth implementation of the Project.
At the central level the Project is supported by Project Management
Consultants (PMC) to advice the Project Authorities on project
implementation and capacity building of the Project and other concerned
staff. The Local bodies are provided for the required support of
preparation of designs, estimates, construction , drawings and bid
documents through Design and Supervision work. A National level Steering
Committee (NSC) is established to oversee the implementation and take
policy decisions on the implementation of the project. At provincial
level Provincial Steering Committees are set up to oversee the
implementation .
"We have finalised identifying the sub projects under this and now in
the process of calling tenders to select contractors. Tenders have
already been called for the implementation of sub projects in Ruwanwella,
Haldummulla, Pannala, Mirigama, Panvila, Kimbissa, Bingiriya,
Polpithigama and Giribawa Pradeshiya Sabhas", he said.
"We are planning to start at 25 percent of the sub projects out of
the 500 sub projects identified for the implementation by September this
year and all the projects by the end of this year. So we are hoping to
complete all the projects by mid 2015 in a collective effort with
Provincial Councils, Local Authorities Environment Ministry, Plantation
Ministry, Land Ministry, Water Supply Ministry and other relevant
agencies such as Urban Development Authority, creating model towns in
the 108 local government bodies that can set examples for the other
local bodies", the Secretary said. |