Haycarb records Rs. 256 m PBT for Q1
Haycarb PLC, Hayleys Group's multinational business which operates
the largest manufacturing base for coconut shell based activated carbon
globally, achieved stable performance in the first quarter of financial
year 2013/14.

In results released to the Colombo Stock Exchange, Haycarb reported a
turnover of Rs. 2.5 billion and profit before tax of Rs. 256 million for
the three months ending June 30, 2013. Profit after tax recorded for the
quarter was Rs. 210 million, out of which profit attributable to equity
holders of the company was Rs. 200 million.
Haycarb PLC, Managing Director, Rajitha Kariyawasan said that the
results demonstrate the consolidation of the record performance of the
previous year inspite of competition faced with softening of coconut
carbon prices.
He said that the significant price reduction offered during the past
year and the current quarter to pass the benefit of decreasing raw
material prices to customers resulted in a decline of revenue in
comparison with the first quarter of the previous year while retaining
strong sales volumes.
The price of the main raw material, coconut charcoal, increased in
Sri Lanka and in India in the three months under review due to the drop
in coconut production while the supply and demand dynamics is expected
to result in an increase in charcoal prices in Indonesia. The
manufacturing operations also faced increases in energy, salaries, wages
and other overhead costs. This will exert significant pressure on the
gross margins in the coming months.
Kariyawasan said, "We are pleased to record the successful
commissioning of additional value added activated carbon manufacturing
capabilities in Badalgama from July this year. The construction of the
second activated carbon manufacturing plant in Indonesia that commenced
under PT Haycarb Palu Mitra is expected to be completed according to
planned timelines in the first quarter of the next calendar year." |