S & P affirms B+ sovereign rating on Sri Lanka
Standard and Poor has affirmed Sri Lanka 'B+' sovereign rating with a
stable outlook. However, it has warned regarding government debt and
weak institutions.
Standard and Poor's credit analyst, Takahira Ogawa in a statement to
the media said, "We affirmed 'B+' long-term and 'B' short-term sovereign
credit ratings on Sri Lanka. The outlook on the long-term rating is
Our transfer and convertibility assessment remains 'B+'. We also
affirmed our 'B+' issue rating on Sri Lanka's outstanding notes".
It said that Sri Lanka's robust growth prospects support the ratings.
Growth drivers include government measures to reconstruct the
northern districts, improve finances of public enterprises and limit
inflation to single digits.
Sri Lanka's external liquidity remains exposed to international
liquidity conditions. Through 2015, we project that Sri Lanka's gross
external financing needs will exceed 120% of current account receipts
(CAR) plus usable reserves.
We also forecast that the country's external debt - net of official
reserves and financial sector external assets will be more than 100% of
We expect Sri Lanka's gross international reserves to remain at three
months' coverage of current account payments in December 2013, a level
similar to that in 2012. That's despite decisive action from the
government and the Central Bank in early 2012 to improve the country's
external position, by allowing the Sri Lankan rupee to depreciate and
reining in credit expansion.
Fundamental fiscal weaknesses remain although the government's fiscal
metrics have improved over the past three years. We project annual
growth in general government debt will be 7.4% of GDP on average for
We expect net general government debt to decline to 71% of GDP at end
of 2015 from 77% of GDP in 2012 because of robust nominal GDP growth and
some fiscal consolidation.
We project that the attendant interest burden will comprise more than
a third of government revenue through 2015. We also expect inflation to
decline gradually this year.
The country's favourable growth prospects are highlighted in our
projection that investment will edge up towards 30% of GDP on continued
reconstruction and strong public sector investments.
This trend should boost per capita real GDP growth to 6% each year in
the next few years from about 5.5% currently.
"The stable outlook reflects our view that the growth prospects for
Sri Lanka's per capita real GDP will be more than 5.5% in the next few
years and the government's fiscal profile could improve," said Ogawa.
"These strengths are balanced against the country's vulnerable
external liquidity and high fiscal and external debt. We also expect Sri
Lanka to keep in check the pace of credit expansion and its net external
liability position."
We may raise the rating if Sri Lanka's external and fiscal indicators
improve more than we currently forecast, given well-designed policy and
robust implementation.
Conversely, we may lower the rating if the country's external
liquidity deteriorates or if Sri Lanka's growth and revenue prospects
fall below our current expectations.
According to the report, by 2015 Sri Lanka's gross external financing
needs will top 120 percent of current account receipts (CAR) plus usable
reserves and external debt, net of official reserves and financial
sector assets will be more than 100 percent of current account receipts.
Though the government's fiscal situation has got better, 'fundamental
weaknesses' remained. Helped by strong growth, debt to gross domestic
product was expected to decline to 71 percent by end 2015 from 77
percent in 2012. |