Evaluating decisions with results
for results - pay for performance schemes and the like - are
increasingly practised by modern organisations for business reasons. But
this principle can be fundamentally flawed if that is the only criterion
for evaluating managers. But the counter argument would be, decision has
no tangible value but only positive outcome.
People, including managers and business leaders, typically equate the
quality of a decision with the quality of the result. When people
observe a good result, they conclude that they had made a good decision.
Likewise, when a bad result is observed, people conclude that a bad
decision was made. This is not true.
Decision and results
Decisions and results are two different things. There is a time lapse
between a decision and the realisation of its result. Decisions are made
at a specific moment in time. People implement the decisions later, and
the result is observed in the future.
The future is uncertain: there are no known facts about the future,
and nobody has a crystal ball. Managers and organisations cannot control
events that may happen in the future.
Events that they could not foresee may happen. Such events can cause
good decisions to have a bad result - and vice versa. Therefore, the
quality of the result is not an indicator of decision quality and the
result is irrelevant as a measure of decision quality.
Bad results stifle creativity
A blame culture triggered by bad results stifles experimentation,
innovation or trial and error. If leaders do not tolerate failure and
error in business innovations, they will kill the prospect of anyone
taking any initiative.
Since business activity is the primary engine for personal income
growth, value creation and societal economic development, an
organisational culture built on blame and punishment has implications
beyond the boundaries of our business.
Taken to national proportions, a blame culture inhibits societal
growth, development and evolution. Managing for results only, leads to a
crisis, at the least. It can lead to bankruptcy, at the worst.
Being accountable only for results may not be the right standard for
performance. Of course, people must be held accountable for what they do
in a business context; but they need to be held accountable for the
right things too.
They need to be held accountable for things under their control, that
is, operating with a quality process. They should not be held
accountable for uncontrollable events.
Conversely, if business leaders only want good results, it is easy to
understand that, ultimately, any process to achieve good results will
become acceptable - even an illegal process.
This is another way in which managing for results can become the
origin of crisis and bankruptcy. A manager who achieves an excellent
result, but in the process of achieving it, has de-motivated his team is
clearly not a good leader.
Reward long term performance
Companies typically do two things to achieve better results. First,
they implement a good process. Managers can learn to become better
business executives. They can learn the decision-making process, learn
how to be better at execution and build their business through the
knowledge, experience and informed intuition that is inherent in
decision making and execution.
Through this, managers will become better, more thoughtful business
leaders - more aware and better informed about what they are doing.
Being compensated only for results doesn't measure one's true
contributions to the organisation. It is possible that bad managers
using wrong processes will sometimes enjoy good results. But their luck
will run out eventually.
Evaluate decision-making process
Therefore, in the long run, it is necessary for organisations to
evaluate the quality of a manager's decision-making process over the
span of his or her career. Over time, managers will make many decisions.
Organisations should, therefore, make rewards based on the long-term
performance of managers. It may seem controversial, but we firmly
believe that even managers with bad results should be rewarded - if they
have used a good decision-making process. Keeping in mind though that
good decisions are for good results, so the onus is on you to ensure
that good decisions deliver good results leaving luck aside. |