Lanka to achieve self-sufficiency in milk products soon
by P.Krishnaswamy
Milco (Pvt) Ltd Chairman Sunil Wickramasinghe said that following the
initiative by the Ministry of Livestock and Rural Development, the
country will achieve self-sufficiency in milk products before long,
saving millions of rupees spent on imports.
He was speaking to the Sunday Observer on the current controversy
regarding the detection of toxic chemicals in imported milk powder.
While Dicyanamide (DCD) was found in virtually all brands of imported
milk powder, Highland milk powder, one of Milco's products has been
cleared of any toxic chemicals. Wickramasinghe said that they get their
products tested at regular intervals to ensure that they do not contain
any hazardous chemicals.
As a first step towards achieving self-sufficiency in milk, the
Ministry is importing high-yielding, high breed milch cows from
Australia. Five thousand milch cows are due to arrive this week,
Wickramasinghe said. The second and third generation of all imported
milch cows, which give an average of 15 - 20 litres of milk, per day
will be distributed among 55,000 dairy farmers, as an additional
incentive. The Rs.50 per litre paid to farmers is a good incentive, he
In four years, the country would produce 800,000 litres of milk per
day compared to the present 120,000 litres. Milco has already set up 25
farmer-managed societies in Mullaitivu, Oddusuddan, Kilinochchi and
Mallavi. The number of such societies will be increased to 400
throughout the Northern province, Wickramasinche said. At present there
are 2,000 such societies in the country, he said. |