Textile from bamboo and plantain fibre
by P.P.G. Sugathadasa, Thihagoda Group Cor.
Southern Provincial Ministry of Industries has taken the initiative
to manufacture textiles utilising fibre obtained from bamboo and
plantain trees.
SPC Ministry of Industries is seeking the assistance and cooperation
of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Ruhuna University to make this
novel strategy a success.
According to Southern Provincial Minister of Industries U.G.D.
Ariyathilake, a huge amount of foreign exchange is being spent for the
import of cotton threads for the manufacture of hand loom textiles by
the government.
Countries such as China and Philipines already harness the strategy
for textile production purposes. The ministry is also exploring the
possibility of using threads of fibre obtained from wetakeiya and pine
apple trees for textile production.
The keen anticipation and the highest expectation of the Southern
Provincial Ministry of Industries would be to produce quality
textiles suitable for local and foreign markets and also earn a
considerable amount of revenue and foreign exchange to state coffers SPC
Minister of Industries U.G.D. Ariyathilake told the 'Sunday Observer'. |