An HIV/AIDS-free future: Are we ready?
The World AIDS Day, observed today, is a time for
retrospection. It is a time for reflection on a scourge that has
inflicted itself on millions of persons, irrespective of age,
gender, ethnicity, religion and culture. AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome), as we all know, is a killer disease. It is
caused by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) which destroys the
immune system of the body,
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Colombo - a rising star in South Asia
The port-city of Colombo, developed by the
British was the centre of export - import trading and as political
capital of colonial administration of the British Raj in then
Ceylon. Many place names and street names that one sees today in
Colombo remind us of that past colonial experience. Some things of
that history are to be seen in Colombo city even today.
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Value education - the need of the time
Moral education is essential to make an
individual a good and useful member of society and a good person
himself. These values are also essential for sustaining society. The
core idea behind value education is to cultivate essential values in
the students and the teachers.
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