Centenary celebrations:
The Guild of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
by M. Felix V. Cooray
The Guild of the Immaculate Heart of Mary St. Joseph's College,
Colombo 10 celebrates its centenary on December 8.
The Guild of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was inaugurated 100 years
on December 8, 1913. It was not heralded into existence with a flourish
of trumpets. Very Rev. Fr. Emile Nicolas, OMI, the third Rector,
initiated the Movement in 1913, and when the Guild was founded by him in
the same year it started with a modest enrolment of 35 members, who were
all boys on the registers of the college. The only record extant which
perpetuates these pioneers in detail is a photograph.
The aims of the Association are two-fold: to promote the personal
sanctification of its members and to work for the salvation of soul by
praying, in union with the Blessed Virgin, for the conversion of
sinners. The criterion is a devotion to Our Lady. For this reason the
Guild has been aggregated the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy and
Immaculate Heart of Mary set up in the Church of Our Lady of Victories,
Paris. By virtue of this aggregation every member of the Guild is at the
same time a member of this Archconfraternity, sharing in its privileges
and indulgences as well as in the prayers and good works of its millions
of members.
First director
The founder of the Guild was so thoughtful of the generations of
Josephians in time to come and it was a gift that he offered to them. It
could be considered a very rare opportunity. Every Josephian should be
thankful to God and Mother Mary and pray for our founder the late Rev.
Fr. Emile Nicolas third Rector of St. Joseph's College, Colombo 10 who
initiated the Guild.
Rev. Fr. A. Varnat, OMI, was the first director of the Guild, but
before a year had elapsed he was succeeded by Rev. Fr. J.M. Cajetan,
OMI, who laboured willingly for the Guild right up to the day of his
death. It was he who organised the Retreats for the old boys under
auspices of the Guild.
The memory of the first Retreat in 1916, centres round the preacher,
the Rev. Fr. J.B. Martin, OMI long since deceased, a saint and scholar,
whose genial and affectionate disposition endeared him to one and all.
These Old Boys' Retreats, and except for the year 1944, when the
attendance was rather poor owing to distressing circumstances, each year
has seen a large gathering of Old Boys rallying to keep truth and to
their heavenly Mother. Fr. Cajetan, served the Guild for a decade
It was during his time that First Saturday devotions were introduced.
He launched a scheme for the Catholic library for the Guild which today
has a magnificent collection of Catholic literature.
It was under the directorship of Rev. FR. D.J. Anthony that the 25th
anniversary of the Guild was celebrated on a grand scale. The Archbishop
of Colombo together with Bishops of Trincomalee, Jaffna, Galle and Kandy
graced the occasion. The year of the Silver Jubilee in 1938 - two side
marble altars were named that of Rev. Fr. J.M. Cajetan and Rev. Fr. D.J.
Anthony OMI, who was a director and Vice Rector as a token of gratitude.
Second patron
Rev. Fr. M.J. Le Goc, the second patron of the Guild is remembered
with love and gratitude. He loved the Guild so much that he put up the
Grotto an exact replica of the Grotto at Lourdes. He was the fourth
Rector, Priest and Scholar of the college for 21 years. He fulfilled the
vision of the founder for generations unborn.
Rev. Fr. Maurice Le Goc, OMI met with a tragic death. TP the late
Very Rev. Fr. M.J. Le Goc, OMI the Guild owes a debt of gratitude. If it
was question of the guild, for him no task was too hard, no expense too
The very Rev. Fr. D.J. Anthony, OMI assumed control of the Guild in
May 1924, and served as director till December 1940, when he had to
relinquish office on being appointed General Manager of Catholic
It was chiefly due to the inflagging efforts of Fr. Anthony in
enlisting recruits to Our Lady's banner that the membership had topped
the 1,000 mark when the Guild celebrates its Silver Jubilee in 1938.
The next director of the Guild was Very Rev. Fr. Peter A. Pillai,OMI,
who took charges of the Guild when he became the Rector of the College
in 1941.
This was only to be expected as the memory of Fr. Cajetan, his
brother, could not permit him to do otherwise. In the same year the
Retreat was conducted by the Rector himself and in his first notice to
the members we find "the Guild has a glorious instrument for good."
Our present Director is Rev. FR. Stanley Abeysekera. The present
Rector Fr. Sylvester Ranasinghe with Fr. Stanley Abeysekera, the present
Director has taken a keen interest in all activities of the Guild
promoting and helping us in every possible way.
The first Saturday devotions to our "Divine Mother' are being
conducted every month at the college Grotto and in the Chapel. During
the Centenary year 2012-2013 every first Saturday after the normal
services a special service was conducted for the centenary year.
We call upon all old and present Guildsmen together with the young
Josephians to gather under the banner of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to
celebrate this grand feast on December 8 being the "100 year" (the
Centenary celebrations) in a pleasing manner to Our Heavenly Mother.
The writer is a senior Guildsman. |