RPCs shoot down estate worker demand:
Rs. 1,000 daily wage impossible
The demand of plantation sector trade unions for an unconditional 62%
percent increase of the daily wage of estate workers, from the present
Rs. 620 to Rs. 1,000 is inconceivable in any industry, a spokesman for
Regional Plantation Companies (RPCs) said.
He said the productivity-based wage proposal enables workers to meet
their aspirations of earning Rs. 1,000 per day.
RPCs find even the present daily wage to be significantly above
production costs and are experiencing negative cash flows.
RPCs have proposed an 11% increase in the basic wage to Rs. 500 (from
Rs. 450 at present) for a minimum daily plucking average of 15 kg of tea
leaves. Each additional kilo plucked will be paid at Rs. 40 (an increase
from the Rs. 23 paid at present), thus enabling a worker who plucks 25
kg of tea leaves to earn Rs. 1,000 a day (including EPF and ETF),
thereby enabling productive workers to significantly increase income.
The productivity based proposal of the RPCs has been presented to and
discussed with the estate sector trade unions and offers a more
sustainable solution to the workers’ needs for an increase in income.
An unconditional increase of the daily wage to Rs. 1,000 is
impossible at present, as it would need the average revenue from a kilo
of tea at the Colombo Tea Auction to be Rs. 660, for a plantation
company to merely breakeven.
In contrast, in June 2015, the average price of a kilo of tea at the
Colombo Tea Auction was only Rs. 400 (according to brokering firms)
while the production cost of a kilo of tea exceeds Rs. 450.
The Planters’ Association of Ceylon, which represents the interests
of the 22 Regional Plantation Companies, calls on trade unions to
seriously consider the proposal of the RPCs as it offers the only viable
alternative to solve the present crisis in the tea and rubber
industries, which even the government has recognised in providing
certified prices to smallholders.
While rubber prices have slumped to historic lows, key export markets
to which more than 70% of Ceylon Tea is exported – Russia, Middle East
and Ukraine – are in crisis due to military conflict, economic sanctions
and depreciation of the Russian Rouble.
There is significant room for improvement of productivity,
particularly through increase in ‘effective plucking time,’ (time
actually spent on the plucking of tea) as labour productivity and
effective plucking time is among the world’s lowest in the tea industry
in Sri Lanka – despite wages and other benefits including housing being
among the best among tea producing economies. While the daily plucking
average of a tea plucker in Sri Lanka is approximately 18kg, in Kenya
and Assam (in India) the figures are 48 kg and 28kg.