on the wall
Hot Butter Collective puts NYC's Con Artists on show in Slap:
Adhesives and Egos:
The Rv8y 5tvdio Gvll3ry played host to the Con Artist Collective on
July 17, when an exhibition of stickers from artists in Colombo, New
York, Singapore and the world over, were put on display.
The collected works ' Slap: Adhesives and Egos' was a nod at the work
of street artists; a recognition of the enduring legacy of a message
left to weather the passage of time.
Brought to Colombo by the Hot Butter Collective, which just last
month produced 'In Space', an immersive exhibition, the event, 'Slap:
Adhesives and Ego' was the culmination of an open call for submissions.
Over 200 submissions were received, and Ryan Wjayaratne from the
collective Hot Butter, who spearheaded the Colombo chapter of the
initiative, expressed pleasure at how well the event had gone off. Ryan,
a recent graduate of the New York Film Academy and creative director at
photography studio You're My Favourite, is the grandson of Jonathan
Wijayaratne of Jonathan's Photography Havelock Road. He had worked
previously with the Con Artist Collective in New York and had been eager
to work out the details of collaboration between that metropolis and his
native Colombo.
The Con Artist Collective is an art collective and gallery in New
York. It was started in early 2010 and is a shared workspace for
artists. The Hot Butter Collective is a multi-disciplinary
art-collective in Colombo. The Rv8y 5tvdio Gvll3ry is a Geoffrey Bawa
designed studio space and gallery that acts as an innovative forum for