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Demeaning the Presidency
The Presidency is the highest position one can hold in a truly
democratic country. When a defeated President contests a General
Election, let alone a Presidency, as a ordinary contestant, not only is
he demeaning his own position but also denigrating the hallowed position
of President of the country, which only one in 20 million people aspire
for. Imagine those who previously called him Sir and bowed and scraped
before him, now calling him Machang.
Is it not the duty of the present President to ensure the post of
President is not completely sullied due to the rapacious greed of one
person and his hangers on, for the sake of past and even future
Presidents and that the post of President be preserved as an honourable
and hallowed title!
Also, the question arises if President Maithripala Sirisena is
willing to sacrifice the goodwill and support of all those who risked
their personal and political lives, such as Rev. Sobitha and Rev. Ratana
and the numerous other politicians of his own party and civil service
organisations, leaving them dejected and feeling let down in return for
ensuring the victory of a group of corrupt and arrogant political ' has
If the President reneges on his promise not to tie himself to one
political party, then how can he claim to be the President of the whole
nation? Would it not enable him to run the Government more
democratically, transparently and with justice equality and fairplay, if
he allowed all political parties to contest on an equal footing by not
backing any one political party, so long as 'clean' politicians are
voted in regardless of political affiliations?
Keeping in mind that there will be a great deal of back stabbing and
ganging up of dissidents within his own party by allowing defeated
President MR and his cohorts to contest within his party, would
President MS not be committing political 'Hara- Kiri'? If ex President
Rajapaksa and his cohorts want to form a break away party and contest
separately they will not be able to muster any public support and will
forever be consigned to the dustbin of political history, leaving
President Sirisena to govern the country without hindrance.
The country heaved a collective sigh of relief when Minister
Maithripala Sirisena was declared the President of Sri Lanka on the 8th
of January, this year defeating the incumbent President and we, the
ordinary citizens would have been enslaved for a few more years,
helpless to stand up against the corruption, waste and the sheer abuse
of power that took place in the previous regime. However, hardly six
months have elapsed since then, when a massive political bomb has been
exploded by this very same President Mithripala Sirisena by agreeing to
ex President Rajapaksa being given nomination on the SLFP ticket to
contest a seat at the coming General Elections, much against the wishes
of his supporters. Those who risked their lives and their well being to
openly support President Sirisena are left high and dry, without a leg
to stand on, so to speak.
All they can do now is repeat those derogatory words his opponents
used then 'aiyo Sirisena' and say goodbye to 'yahapalanaya'! Words are
easy to be spoken but deeds are what's required, raising hopes of the
country becoming politically stable, with law and order being
established and the country gaining the goodwill of the international
Now these hopes appear to be completely dashed. President Sirisena
not have an iota of knowledge that the political stability within the
nation will be completely destroyed, with political bickering and back
stabbing being the direct result of his accommodating the ex President
and his lackeys into the forefront of Parliamentary Politics.
If he declares himself the President of the nation and avoid directly
supporting any political party, would it not be better to allow the UPFA
to split into two factions, the pro Rajapaksa faction and the anti
Rajapaksa faction. Without his direct support, the Rajapaksa cohorts
will never win as most of them do not have a true voter base.
This would leave the pro Sirisena factor to gain many seats and with
the coalition of all the other parties to form a 'clean' government
which he could guide in the right direction. He has to keep in mind if
the pro MR faction gets a foothold in the government he will be faced
with eternal squabbles Within his own party, demeaning his own position
and the exalted position of the President
Desmond Z. de Silva