Rs. 115 million owed to ITN by MR:
First public hearing on Oct 15-16
The first public hearing of the alleged monetary loss to the
State-owned Independent Television Network (ITN) during the presidential
election campaign in 2014 -2015 will be held on October 15-16. Based on
public complaints, investigations are carried out by the Presidential
Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into Serious Acts of
Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power, State Resources, and Privileges (PRECIFAC).
According to public complaints received by the PRECIFAC, former
President Mahinda Rajapaksa is yet to pay Rs. 115 million to ITN for his
election advertisements telecast during the presidential election
However, he has denied personal liability during investigations and
held that the party's publicity committee responsible for placing
advertisements and paying for them.
The special police investigation team assigned to the Commission,
recorded statements from former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, former
General Secretary of the United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Susil
Premajayantha, former Chairman of the ITN Anura Siriwardane, former
Secretary to the Media Ministry, Charitha Herath, UPFA Parliamentarian,
Dullas Alahapperuma and other officials with regard to the same.
Last week, Minister Dilan Perera claimed that part payment had
already been made by an advertising company and that there was no doubt
that the balance would be made in the coming weeks.
However, this claim was strongly disputed by ITN's Working Director
Dhanushka Ramanayake, who claimed "not a cent had been paid back to ITN,"
which resulted first in an internal inquiry and subsequently referred to
the Presidential Commission for a comprehensive investigation. Parallel
to the investigations of the ITN's monetory loss, public hearings were
held by the Commission on the investigations on the allegations against
Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Limited - the State- owned security service firm.
The third public hearing was held late last week but the matter is yet
to reach a conclusion.
The Commission has postponed the public hearing for November 26 as
State Counsel Janaka Bandara has requested for a reasonable period of
time to examine the documents presented at these public hearings.