Romantic science
is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and
passion."- Stephen Hawking, English theoretical physicist, cosmologist,
author, and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology
within the University of Cambridge
Romanticism during the Age of Reflection was an intellectual movement
that originated in Western Europe. Romanticism incorporated many fields
of study in the arts and humanities, but it also greatly influenced
science. European scientists of the Romantic period held that observing
nature implied understanding the self.
They felt that it encouraged and sought to advance a new way to
increase scientific knowledge, one that they felt would be more
beneficial not only to mankind but to nature as well. Thus evolved what
came to be Romantic Science. Romantic Science is all about the fervent
evocations of dynamic nature in action; analyzed through and allied to
empirical science: a science based on or concerned with, or verifiable
by, observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
Thus, bridal beds, blushing captives, and swollen trunks - the
taxonomy of plants - heralded a whole new era in 18th-century Europe in
which plants were spoken of in sexualized terms. It was a period in
which sober scientific analysis blended with poetic rapture; the
association between the floral and erotic, reaching its visual and
poetic zenith with many books published, describing the love life of
plants, and alluding to their behaviour in a manner that titillated the
genteel of both sexes of the time.
As an example, I will refer to a passage in Robert Thornton's
exquisitely illustrated Temple of Flora in which his evocation of the
polygamy practiced by the lily Gloriosa superba - a species of flowering
plant with many names such as flame lily, climbing lily, creeping lily,
glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw, and fire lily - is nothing but
erotica superba. You can see that the tone of actual texts was sexual in
theory and practice: "Proud Gloriosa led by three chosen swains, the
blushing captives of her virgin chain.
When time's rude hand a bark of wrinkles spread, round her limbs, and
silvered o'er her head. Three other youths her riper years engage; the
flattered victims of her wily age." Of course, one needs to know the
flower, to understand the beauty with which Thornton captures its
behaviour with an undertone of implied sexual aptness.
Unsurprisingly, religious and conservative organizations began to
express alarm at the "disgusting strokes of obscenity" with which the
picture of nature's innocent beauties, were being disfigured. Yet, such
pious intentions did not stop nor prevent the Romantic Scientists from
presenting highly wrought accounts of the personalities of plants in the
great spectrum of the book of nature.
There were sweet delights, like the description of the Sensitive
Plant: Mimosa Pudica, or more commonly known as Touch Me Not, which
grows wild, but also grown for its curiosity value, the compound leaves
fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, defending themselves from
harm, re-opening a few minutes later. "Secreting honey, it gives a
delightful food to the humming bird, and Nature has been so anxious for
the preservation of this tribe, that besides multiplying the number of
males (stamen) to one pistillum or female, there are also several of its
flowers, which possess only a cluster of males." Such expressions even
made the radical French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was an
enthusiastic advocate of the new system, feel it prudent to warn one of
his friends that her young daughter should only be inducted into the
secrets of stamens, pistils and such-like "by degrees, no more than is
suitable to her age and sex".
Even in those days, in the emerging Europe of enlightenment,
Darwinian rapture of romantic pictures of particular plants in evocative
landscapes and highly charged allegories of nature were not unlike
today: where a range of opinions exist in all matters. Even the Queen of
the time, Charlotte, George III's queen was not spared; and features as
the target of Cupid's arrow in the allegorical image of "Cupid inspiring
the plants with love".
However, lest some think that Queen Charlotte was being encouraged to
distribute her favours with Darwinian profligacy, I must mention that
she was a bright example of conjugal fidelity and maternal tenderness -
unshakably pious, staunchly monarchist, and very English; and had
nothing to do with the dangerously French attitudes of the time.
Romanticism then, had four basic principles: the original unity of
man and nature in a Golden Age; the subsequent separation of man from
nature and the fragmentation of human faculties; the interpretability of
the history of the universe in human, spiritual terms; and the
possibility of salvation through the contemplation of nature.
The above-mentioned Golden Age is a reference from Greek mythology
and legend to the Ages of Man. The Ages of Man is the stages of human
existence on the Earth according to Greek mythology in which, successive
ages of humanity tend to progress from an original, long-gone age in
which humans enjoyed a nearly divine existence, to an age in which
humans are beset by innumerable pains and evils. Thus, Romantic thinkers
sought to reunite man with nature and therefore his natural state. The
Romantics believed that science must not bring about any split between
nature and man; that mind and nature need to be reunited.
From this perspective, humans in the world of today have become
tragically disconnected from nature. They have been de-sacralized in
both thought and deed. Healing this rift is possible only through a
profound shift in our collective consciousness that must prepare us to
surrender to earth's intelligence; whence, we could rise up rooted like
In 1963, Robert Greenway, who was one of the founding fathers of what
has come to be popularly known as ecopsychology, coined the term
"Wilderness Effect" to refer to the psychological impact we humans
experience out of extended stays in wild nature. Following Greenway, a
growing body of writers came to see that our relationship with non-human
reality, even if largely unconscious, is one of the most significant
facts of human life; and which, we humans ignore at our peril. Much of
modern psychology assumes a divide between psyche and nature - the inner
reality of the mind, and outer reality of nature. The problem is to
overcome this divide.
The human mind does not stand wholly apart from the natural world;
but is deeply rooted in and intertwined with it. By ignoring this
relationship between the mind and nature, we perpetuate the world's
destructive state of estrangement from our Earth home, which has
disastrous consequences for both our psyche and for the environment.
Pursuit of mental and emotional well-being, on the one hand, and
environmental health, on the other, are closely intertwined tasks -
indeed, they are inseparable. Hence, healthy psychological development
requires that children be bonded to nature and adolescents initiated
into its mysteries. Perhaps, it is time our own Poets and Romantic
Scientists reverted to the Age of Romanticism and started penning poems
such as: "The flower's leaves ... serve as bridal beds which the creator
has so gloriously arranged...and perfumed with so many soft scents that
the bridegroom with his bride might there celebrate their nuptials with
so much greater solemnity. When now the bed is so prepared, it is time
for the bridegroom to embrace his beloved bride and offer her his
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