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Government Gazette

'Eelam War 4 has not started' - Keheliya

Security Forces will not retreat from Mavilaru, Defence Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella asserted. In an interview with the Sunday Observer staffer Jayantha Sri Nissanka, Rambukwella said the Forces were now consolidating their positions at Mavilaru and will not pull out unless the LTTE guaranteed that they (LTTE) will not disrupt the distribution of water to 15,000 families in that area.

Q: The LTTE, acting contrary to the Ceasefire agreement killed so many civilians and military personnel after Geneva talks. People as well as some of the coalition parties of the UPFA are questioning as to why the Government was only holding onto the Ceasefire when the LTTE violated it. Has Eelam 4 war begun with the closure of the Mavilaru sluice gates?

A: As far as the Government is concerned, the Government acted with lot of restraint and tolerance to bring peace to the nation through peaceful means despite LTTE provocations like attacking dvoras, the Tincomalee vegetable market incident, attempt on 710 unarmed soldiers in the Pearl Cruiser ship, attempt on Army Commander's life, killing General Parami Kulathunga and so on and so forth. But Mavilaru incident was different in nature because the Government is responsible for providing water to 15,000 families. As a responsible Government, we can't let a group of persons hold the people into ransom to win their demands. This is a humanitarian issue. That is why the Government was forced to take a military action on this issue. But it is wrong to say that Eelam war 4 has begun. The international Community and Co-chairs are helping us to revive peace talks.

Q: Can you honestly tell me whether the ceasefire is still in existence or otherwise?

A: There is a procedure for either party to more out of the Ceasefire agreement officially. Either party can give two weeks notice and communicate to the Norwegians. But As far as the Government is concerned, we are with the Ceasefire. To our knowledge, the LTTE has not officially informed the Norwegians about their exit.

Q: Why is the International Community silent on LTTE atrocities? They only issue statements condemning the LTTE when the LTTE commit serious Ceasefire violations?

A: The LTTE never respected the Ceasefire but the Government with the help of the International Community are doing the best to keep the LTTE on the peace track. That is why the Government made lots of sacrifices and acted with responsibility. But now it is up to the Co-chairs and those interest in peace to take a stock of LTTE activity.

Q: Mortars fell on Tsunami camps in Mutur which killed many people and injured hundreds of people. Some media put the blame on the Government. What has really happened? Can you briefly tell me?

A: The LTTE has no respect for human rights and this is proved by their track record. The LTTE attacked our Kattaparchan Army camp with mortars but they missed targets. Unfortunately they hit civilian areas. As a result many died and wounded many.

Q: Security Forces are consolidating in Mavilaru. But will we retreat from this area after sometime?

A: Not at all, until the LTTE guarantees that they will not disrupt the free flow of water. Therefore, this area will be under the Government control in order to ensure that 15,000 families are not deprived of water.

Q: Monitors of three countries of the five nations left the SLMM. How will the SLMM function hereafter?

A: Yes, Sweden, Denmark and Finland left not because they were European Union members but they left according to the clauses in the 2002 Ceasefire Agreement. Both parties should guarantee the safety of the monitors.

Q: The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress leader Rauf Hakeem blamed the ceasefire agreement has been made a mockery by the Government and the LTTE. How do you respond him?

A: He can give statements from Colombo. But he should understand that the ground reality is different. People are urging the Government to chase the LTTE from their areas. Mutur is a predominantly Muslim area and people want the Government to take full control in order to ensure their safety. Hakeem might have political interests. But he should go there and see the plight of people. The Government has sent seven Ministers already to help the people.

Q: The main opposition UNP blamed that the Government has launched a low intensity war and mishandled the ceasefire from the beginning. Are they trying to fish in trouble waters?

A: Despite whether red, green or blue, national issues should not be use for political gain. We have to act responsibly.

Some people who cannot come to power use dead bodies for their advantage. They like to see more calamities to gain political mileage.

However, the North and East issue was mishandled during the last 25 years by the UNP and SLFP. Now President Mahinda Rajapaksa has a strategy and a plan. Let us support him to see the success. If we do sort out this problem there would be disaster in ten years. If it is a political Chess Board there are other issues to fight but, we should not play politics with the national issue. We should have a nationalistic view on this issue.

Q: The Special envoy Jon Hanssen Bauer is in Sri Lanka now. Will he be able to strike a deal with the LTTE?

A: Norwegians are trying their best to see that peace process is not derailed. I could not meet him. Peace Secretariat has had discussion with him.

Q: Even Bauer tried his best to meet LTTE leader last time but Prbahakaran declined to meet him. Still the LTTE is evading the peace talks. So can we really get the LTTE back on the peace track?

A: Well, we are trying our best so is the International Community. Now it is up to the International Community to realize the factual situation that the LTTE may not be interested in talks. Otherwise, there were lots of opportunities. We tried our best to resume the Geneva second round of talks.

But they evaded. Everyone knows the Oslo fiasco. When we went there they did not accept the Sri Lankan delegation. But the delegates was known two weeks before. Basically their motive is to create calamity and this is what you call terrorism.

Q: President Mahinda Rajapakse called an All Party Conference last Friday. How was the outcome of Friday's APC conference?

A: It was interaction of the current situation particulary on Mawilaru and Mutur. Many parties appreciated the way the Government handled the issue. Some parties came out with proposals to tackle the issue.

Hakeem came out with certain allegations and it was clarified then and there. We found that all those allegations were totally baseless.



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