JKH voted 'Most Respected' business entity - LMD survey
LMD, for the second consecutive year, has ranked the 'Most Respected
Entities in Sri Lanka' and has picked John Keells Holdings (JKH) as the
'most respected business entity' for the second year in succession.
JKH's revenue stream appreciated by more than 25 per cent in fiscal year
2005/06 to almost Rs. 30 billion, which is over five times its net
turnover of 10 years ago, LMD said.
To compile the ranking, LMD commissioned leading research firm,
ACNielsen, to carry out an opinion poll among working people in the
nation's commercial capital. Interviews were conducted among business
leaders and senior executives of organisations in Greater Colombo during
March-April 2006.
Number two on the list of the 'Most Respected' is Hayleys, which is a
highly regarded conglomerate like JKH. Hayleys, too, has been at the top
of The LMD 50 (the nation's leading listed companies) - for two years at
its very summit and in second place for eight years.
In third place is Ceylinco Consolidated, which apparently has more
companies operating under its umbrella than any other group in this
country - "so much so that the Ceylinco signage appears on most of the
commercial capital's main thoroughfares today", LMD said.
Others who made the final cut include Dialog Telekom, Commercial
Bank, Aitken Spence, HSBC, Hatton National Bank. Singer Sri Lanka,
Unilever Sri Lanka, Maharaja Group, Sampath Bank, Cargills, Brandix
Lanka, Ceylon Tobacco, NDB Bank, Sri Lanka Telecom, Hemas Group and DFCC
Bank. |