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The sanctuary spa

There are some mornings when you just want to dive back under the sheet and hide. With a full schedule ahead of me, this morning turned into one of those. The cat got stuck on the roof leaving yours truly to clamber up a stepladder and coax it down, gigantic red ants invaded the entire kitchen, and then, as I started driving, a suicidal pedestrian almost ended the day for both of us by leaping out from behind a parked car. By the time I reached Jawatte Road, my nerves were shattered, my mood dark.

It was then that I was fortunate enough to encounter a sanctuary in the very heart of Colombo's early morning madness. It is hard to say which of my senses was soothed first, but I suspect it was a close call between sound and sight.

No sooner did I walk into The Sanctuary Spa than I noticed the abundance of greenery around me, dominated by a huge mango tree growing up through the centre of the building and reaching to the sky above. At the same time, my ears picked out a gentle melody in the background that blended seamlessly with the gurgle of the glittering water pool. In the next four hours I would be transformed from a scowling, impatient mess to a calm and balance individual - all due to the Sanctuary Spa.

The whole concept, design of the building and careful creation of the serenity sprung from the minds of just three people - Veronica and Raj Omprasadham and Johann Peiris. Johann is a hairdresser by trade and after years of working in the business of making people feel and look good, he came up with the notion of a spa in the centre of Colombo, catering to the over-worked and under-pampered.

Whether Colombo business people or frazzled holidaymakers, the idea was that total wellness would be cultivated through a combination of therapy and indulgence. Despite a lack of enthusiasm, the original ramshackle state of the building, and the unfamiliarity of the average Colombo inhabitant with the concept, they persevered, the result is a revelation, In the past, a 'spa' was merely a place you could go for a massage. What the Sanctuary did was to create an oasis where all the senses are seduced in order to banish stress and other problems caused by hectic lifestyles.

Smell is one of our most powerful senses, conjuring up strong memories, changing our mood and even resulting in tangible physical benefits. With this in mind, the therapeutic benefits of many of the treatments at the Sanctuary stem from the ancient practice of aromatherapy, which utilizes specific essential oils extracted from plants, roots, and seeds to soothe or stimulate the body and mind.

It is the spa's policy that all essential oils are imported from Australia and Britain, where the quality is consistently excellent. The cost of producing such strong, pure oils is high, due to the quantities involved - 6 tonnes of orange blossom are needed to produce 1 kg of neroli oil! However, this is a standard that the owners will not compromise on and once experienced it is clear why the quality of the oil is so important.

The full list of treatments available is guaranteed to tempt you with the promise of luxurious smells and sensations involving fresh natural ingredients in addition to essential oils a full body scrub using freshly ground coffee, lounging in a pool filled with delicate rose petals, facials packed with the goodness of fresh fruits and vegetables, and even the chance to wallow like a water buffalo in the form of a mud bath!

The numerous massages address common problems such as fatigue, stress, jetlag, and general aches and pains. The facials promise to rejuvenate, revitalize or purify and after and hour of gentle massage, steam therapy and various aromatic creams and lotions, I can say that I actually felt all three benefits. In addition to a purifying facial, I was also treated to an aromatherapy massage, which proved to be an hour to savour. Entering the treatment room

I was struck by the serene atmosphere. Bamboo blinds let in only a hint of daylight, while ambient music provides the soundtrack to your personal journey of relaxation. As a finishing touch, a frangipane flower floats in a water-filled bowl beneath your headrest, so that should your eyes flicker open for a second while your back is being treated you can meditate on its beauty.

After discarding my clothes and accessories I proceeded to also discard my whole sense of time and reality as I was treated to the most relaxing, professional massage I have ever had. The moment my eyelid succumbed to the atmosphere and began to droop, I forgot the strains of the morning, my schedule for the afternoon, and even the sex of the masseur!

Finally, I was introduced to the ancient Chinese art of reflexology, which links areas of the body to different pressure points on the foot, maintaining that all ailments can be treated through massage of this area.

I concentrated so hard on which parts of my body were reacting to the sensations on my feet that I actually seemed to blank out! When I opened my eyes, I found that the treatment was coming to an end and had to check my watch to make sure I had really been there for an hour! Before I left, I asked the therapist whether he had used stones or other objects on my feet, as sometimes the pressure had felt warm and soft, while at other times cold and sharp.

He laughed, and explained that the treatment is based on the immense energy in the human hands, and that no objects are used.

Am I glad I didn't dive back under the sheet this morning.

Catherine Ramp

Courtesy Travel SriLanka.



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