15th anniversary celebrations ...
The medical exhibition
Foetuses at various stages of development
Demonstrations of the human anatomy
A display of the numerous bones found in the human body
Skulls of murder victims (Forensic medicine)
Pix by Avinash Bandara |
The students of the medical faculty of the University of Kelaniya
celebrated their 15th anniversary with a medical exhibition.
The exhibition covered the 13 subjects studied during the 5 years of
study undergone by a medical student.
The exhibits ranged from pathology, microbiology and parapsychology
to pharmacology, paediatrics and gynaecology and obstetrics.
The large exhibits for anatomy and forensic medicine drew large
crowds, with the queue stretching 3 to 4 km long.
People from all walks of life, students to parents, from as far away
as Ampara and Kandy, were seen at the exhibition, and students to answer
your questions regarding each subject.