China edges towards a greener shade of red
The prime minister, Wen Jiabao, issued an environmental wake-up call
to China last week, saying the world's fastest-expanding economy had to
move away from red-hot growth towards a greener, leaner, slower model of

Chinese President Hu Jintao, left, and Premier Wen Jiabao applaud as
they arrive for the opening session of China's parliament, the
National People's Congress, in Beijing's Great Hall of the People
Monday March 5, 2007 -AP
In his annual report to parliament - one of the key speeches in the
political calendar - Mr Wen warned that wealth creation was
unsustainable without improvements in energy efficiency and reductions
in pollution.
Green issues were given more prominence in the address than promises
on education and health, measures to ease the inequality between rich
coastal cities and poor inland villages, and a verbal defence of Taiwan
after a fresh flare-up in tension across the straits over the weekend.
Although Mr Wen has a reputation as the most environmentally
conscious member of the politburo, his comments indicated how far the
environment has risen up the political agenda as the problems of water
shortages, sulphurous air and global warming take an increasingly
evident toll on human health.
Seventy per cent of China's rivers are contaminated. Beijing is one
of the most polluted cities in the world. In the south, Himalayan
glaciers are melting. In the north, encroaching deserts are threatening
the livelihoods of 400 million people.
The deterioration of the environment is hurting social stability.
Among the tens of thousands of public protests each year, pollution
fears are frequently cited among the motives for mass demonstrations
against new factories, dams and roads.
Mr Wen said the state would shut down inefficient and dirty power
plants and foundries to "bring pollution under control and protect the
In the past, leaders have found it easier to make such promises than
keep them. Mr Wen acknowledged that China had failed to meet its target
of reducing pollution discharges last year.
The world's most populous nation is now on course to overtake the US
as the biggest producer of greenhouse gases by 2009.It is also making
slow progress on reducing waste.
According to the latest five-year plan, China should use 20% less
energy per unit of economic output by 2010. Last year, however, it
managed to improve energy efficiency by only 1%. Mr Wen said these
failures were partly the fault of local governments which failed to
abide by national environmental laws.
"We must make conserving energy, decreasing energy consumption,
protecting the environment and using land intensively the breakthrough
point and main fulcrum for changing the pattern of economic growth," he
said in a speech lasting more than two hours at the opening session of
the National People's Congress in Beijing's Great Hall of the People.
The 3,000-member parliament, which meets for less than two weeks each
year, performs the largely ceremonial task of rubber-stamping the budget
and bills approved by the Communist party. But the prime minister's
statement sets the government's direction for the year ahead and opens
up opportunities for debate.
Cooling the economy is proving difficult. Mr Wen announced an 8%
economic growth target for this year, which would be a significant
slowdown from the 10.7% rate of 2006. But similar targets set in the
past have significantly undershot the true pace of expansion.
Guardian Unlimited.