Rules of thumb for trouble-free living
by R.S.Karunaratne
Rules of thumb are rarely found in books. They represent the wisdom
of humanity. In every country people have certain beliefs based either
on mythology or astrology.
What is noteworthy is that they have not been clinically or
scientifically tested for their accuracy and dependability. But a large
number of people make use of them consciously or unconsciously in their
day-to-day lives. Some rules of thumb are very useful to us. On the
other hand, there is a large number of them with dubious practical
value. Whether useful or not they are extremely entertaining and
I must also mention that it is a rewarding hobby to collect rules of
thumb which are available in plenty in any country. I have yet to come
across a collection of rules of thumb published by a local author.
As rules of thumb do not diminish, we may have to keep ourselves
abreast of new ones introduced by someone somewhere. Like folk tales
they have no authors. You might call them the rules of folk wisdom
reflecting a given time.
I always look for new rules of thumb to enrich my collection. If you
know any of them, you are welcome to send them to this column. Who knows
one day you will be able to read a big collection of rules of thumb
published by a local author.
A friend who used to travel in foreign countries tells me that the
use of a phrase book is utterly useless. He says whenever he finds it
difficult to communicate with a foreigner he smiles a lot and uses sign
Women are at the receiving end of crude jokes in offices, buses and
trains. What is more they have to guard against gropers. One rule of
thumb says women should sit in the corner of a seat if possible occupied
by another woman.
If gropers try their tricks, do not keep quiet. A woman's raised
voice will scare away most of the gropers. Recently a female bank
employee adopted a new rule of thumb when a young man tried to be too
fresh with her. She turned round and asked him.
"What's wrong with you?" in a threatening tone. The young man beat a
hasty retreat. In our childhood and adolescence we have to sit for many
public examinations.
However, much you go prepared you find it difficult to make a choice
out of two questions. Here the rule of thumb is "When in doubt leave it
Once a scribe who wanted to feel important got his visiting card
printed with his name followed by B.A. M.A. Translator, Columnist, Book
Reviewer, Author, Broadcaster, Drama Critic and Lecturer in Journalism.
You might ask me what is wrong with that. Well, the longer your job
title, the less important you are!
People have different habits in reading newspapers. Some people just
read the headlines and throw away the paper thinking that they would be
able to read it later in the day. But they never do so. Therefore, if
you are reading a newspaper, read it in one sitting and finish it.
Remember you cannot read today's newspaper tomorrow. Who wants to read
stale news?
Not only children but also adults lie on different occasions. A rule
of thumb to catch a liar is to look at his face straight. If he is a
liar he will look into your eyes in order to convince that he is telling
the truth. On the other hand, a liar's pulse rate usually goes up and
his blinking will also increase.
Next time when you buy toys for your or somebody else's baby,
remember not to purchase anything smaller than the baby's fist. If a toy
can fit into a baby's mouth, it is likely to be swallowed. Suppose you
walk into a shop and look at an item kept for sale. You examine it
carefully and decide not to buy.
When you are about to step out of the shop an enthusiastic salesman
will ask why you do not want to buy it. If you give a reason, he will
confront you with thousands and one reason why you should buy it.
So apply the rule of thumb here: If you do not wish to buy an item
and if the salesman presses for a reason, simply say, "I don't know" and
walk away. Many parents complain that their children do not read. If you
want them to read books and newspapers, first you have to set an
example. When children see their parents read, they will automatically
follow suit. Children are great imitators.
Once I was at an optometrist to get my pair of spectacles. I wore the
new pair of spectacles, paid the bill and tried to leave the shop. Quite
unexpectedly he held me by the hand and apologetically told me to put
the glasses on and look at my feet! I did so and the glasses began to
slip from my face.
"There you are. The glasses are little loose and let me adjust the
frame," he said moving into his room.
When it comes to journalism I still remember what one of my editors
told me: "Kill everything that you don't understand," This appears to be
true because if a journalist cannot understand something, he cannot
expect an ordinary reader to make sense out of it.
Apart from these, many illnesses can be identified by applying the
rules of thumb. You may have heard of accident prone people. Some people
are certainly more prone to accidents than others. They are either
emotionally upset or less watchful than normal people.
Body odour is a problem for most of us. What you should remember is
that fresh sweat is odourless unless you have been eating some
strong-smelling food like garlic. To have a body free form odour you
need a regular bath and washing. In addition, try to change your clothes
frequently. Always wear clean underwear and socks.
Thirst is a normal response to lack of water in the body. However, if
you feel excessive thirst without some cause coupled with an unusually
large output of urine you need to consult a doctor for possible
diabetes. Doctors say diabetic patients show a great increase in the
volume of urine produced and corresponding severe thirst.
What will you do if you develop hiccups at a party or in office? You
can get over the problem by holding your breath as long as possible or
by re-breathing air in a small plastic bag.
Sometimes a mother may get scared if she sees a small leak of milk
from her baby's nipples for a few days after birth. In the West this
strange phenomenon is known as 'witch's milk'. However, the milk supply
will soon dry up and mothers need not get alarmed.
Most of the proverbs contain traces of folk wisdom. In fact, they can
be relied on as rules of thumb. Some of the proverbs that would come in
handy in a difficult situations are as follows:
* A fence lasts three years, a dog lasts three fences, a horse three
dogs, and a man three horses.
* A bully is always a coward.
* He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, he who has
one enemy shall meet him everywhere.
* Give to a pig when it grunts and to a child when it cries, and you
will have a fine pig and a bad child.
* Fish and guests stink after three days.