LTTE becoming a global threat - Foreign Minister
The activities of the LTTE are no longer confined to Sri Lanka as the
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) publication
Military Balance 2007 has pointed out there are now emerging commercial
links between the LTTE and the al-Qaeda movement, said Foreign Minister,
Rohitha Bogollagama in his keynote address on "Sri Lanka's Foreign and
Security Policy: the challenge of terrorism" at the (IISS) in London.
Minister Bogollagama referred to the emerging links between the LTTE
and the Mujahiddins in Afghanistan and visits by the LTTE delegations to
Kabul shortly before 9/11. The Minister said that the LTTE's fleet of
merchant vessels has established a presence in the arms black market and
being providing mercenary services to several other terrorist groups
around the world.
Its presence is now well established in the narcotics trade
internationally as well. He pointed out that the LTTE is engaged in
money laundering activities and credit card fraud on a large-scale and
added that there is a clear relationship between collection of funds in
foreign countries and the promotion by the LTTE of the outflow of asylum
seekers into western countries.
He indicated that the LTTE and its front organisations were
registered as companies and charities mainly in western countries. He
appealed to the developed countries not to view the LTTE as freedom
fighters when they are contributing to instability in other countries
and are interlinked to terrorism at the international level.
Minister Bogollagama, in his address to a gathering of diplomats,
terrorism experts, academics and international media personnel said that
since the problem of terrorism was global any measures to effectively
counter required inter-state bilateral cooperation.