A divinational art by sheer curiosity
Up-close and personal
by Ranga Chandrarathne
Feng-Shui is not a panacea for all ills but an art through which you
can either mitigate the bad effects or enhance the fortunes says
Thilangani Herath, a consultant and practitioner on Feng-Shui.
Through Feng-Shui one cannot change the destiny but can minimize bad
times up to one third and enhance luck up to the maximum.
Feng-Shui is a Chinese Art which had been originated 4,000 years ago
in China. For centuries, it remained as an exclusive art of the Imperial
families and Chinese ruling class. However, it has become popular in the
Feng-Shui is the traditional Chinese art and science of living in
harmony with the environment, deeply rooted in Chinese culture and
Taoist philosophy. It is a way of seeing and interacting with the energy
of the universe.
The Chinese way of viewing the universe, where all things on the
earth are categorized into five basic elements. (Fire, Metal, Earth,
Wood and Water). These elements consist of positive and negative energy.
This energy known as "Chi", or more colourfully the dragon's cosmic
breath, which brings good fortune for those who are surrounded by it.
Literally translated, Feng-Shui means wind and the water and refers
to earth, its mountains, valleys and water ways, shapes and sizes,
directions and levels which creates the interaction of those powerful
As a technique for living, Feng-Shui is better understood as the
science of selecting or arranging a living environment, where five
elements of "Yin" and Yang" energies are in complete harmonious balance.
Feng-Shui is not difficult to practice.
The practice of Feng-Shui, some times, seems to be coming out of
common sense. But one must be careful to select the 'correct Feng-Shui'.
"Correct Feng-Shui" is an external condition that would lead to
achieving harmony and success. Incorrect harmony brings disharmony.
Feng-Shui is not a religion and it is only a tool for happiness.
Commenting on the present state of Feng-Shui, she claims that there
are, some persons in Sri Lanka practising and providing consultancy
service on Feng-Shui and their qualifications in Feng-Shui are a
She is of the view that like in other countries, the people have
every right to ask for the qualifications of consultants. It is
essential to find out the quality of the consultant whether he/she is
qualified to change the destiny of another person.
Thilangani Herath claims that she is the only qualified and
experienced Consultant on Feng-Shui in Sri Lanka. She studied Feng-Shui
under world renowned Feng-Shui experts Lillian Too and Joey Yap and
eventually qualified as a certified practitioner and consultant in
Feng-Shui from the World of Feng-Shui Institute and Mastery Academy of
Chinese Metaphysics in Malaysia.
These teachers conduct most of their sessions in Europe and in
Western democracies like U.K, France and Germany. Thilangani had studied
all most all the courses of studies under Lillian Too and Joey Yap
including the hardest examination that qualified her to become a
The three-hour examination was the hardest examination and a just
pass is considered as a great achievement. She passed the examination
with a Credit while most of her class-mates either failed or got
ordinary passes.
Only fortunate few got Distinctions in her class (2 Distinctions and
12 or 13 ordinary passes).
As the art of Feng-Shui belonged to the Chinese emperors consulted
Feng-Shui before going to war and if the time was bad, they did not go
to war. Some traditional astrologers are continuing with the art of
Feng-Shui in the light of 'bad' Feng-Shui practitioners.
Most of those who are publishing articles in newspapers do not know
the correct Feng-Shui. They project Feng-Shui as a game or a magic. She
is of the view that Feng-Shui is at work, at every time, irrespective of
whether you believe it or not. It is an art that teaches how to manage
the cosmic energy in a proper way.
The Feng-Shui means wind and water. The cosmic energy comes through
wind and water. It is through the wind and waters those five elements;
namely, fire, wood, metal and water are activated.
Thilangani is grateful to her father the renowned veteran musician
R.A Chandrasena who was known as "Lanka Naushad" and was a guru of Dr.
Premasiri Khemadasa, Victor Ratnayake, Dharmadasa Walpola and Nihal
Nelson. Thilangani studied at the Clifton Girl's school Colombo and
St.Paul's College Milagiriya. For a stint, she was employed at the Tea
Control Department.
Thilangani, professional Feng-Shui consultant, authored, among other
things, the book "Feng-Shui for 2005" (How to be Healthy, Wealthy and
Happy in 2005) and also compiled the biography of the most venerable
Bellena Kgnawimala Thero titled "Bellena Kgnawimala Maha Nahimi".
She is a directress at "Nirmana Consultants "which is a leading
engineering consultancy firm and at "Kapruka.com" a company specialized
in providing international commercial internet Services.
She is married to Cashian Herath who is the Secretary to the Ministry
of Local Government and Provincial Councils. Her eldest son is a
software Engineer domiciled in USA and who is credited with inventing 'Sinhala
E-mail' and also the Web master of "Kapruka.com". Her youngest son is a
scholar in Architecture.
She intends commencing classes, in the near future, in an attempt to
spread the knowledge of 'Correct Feng-Shui' to deserving Sri Lankans who
are interested in this unique art. The only web site in Sri Lanka on
Feng-Shui is www.fengshui.lk.
The divinational arts should only be taught to:
* Those who respect the teacher and teachings of the art.
* Those who are filial, upright, selfless, and dedicated in upholding
the virtues.
Those persons may not be given the teachings;
* The person whose heart is not good and whose character is shallow.
* Who has committed crimes against humanity.
* Who has unhealthy habits and unethical intentions:
* Wo has an attachment to riches and material gains.
* Who has a fierce and violent disposition.
* Who desires comfort and craves sexual pleasure
* Who is aggressive and vengeful.
* Who is not honourable and not honest in his or her dealings with
fellow human beings.

Five yellows in North East
Three killings West
Grand Duke Jupiter in North West
If you do disturb these areas it will be much regretted as you and
your family members would eventually face the threat of health problems,
losses of wealth, career problems, accidents and even death.
We are made of five elements; they are,
* Earth
* Metal
* Fire
* Water
* Wood
Similarly everything in this world is made out of these five elements
as well. Every year the energy levels vary according to the Chinese Luna
calendar. The year of the Pig started on the 18th of February 2007 and
is a representative of all of the five elements mentioned and therefore
is very auspicious.
According to the Chinese almanac this year too has no lap-chun
(spring) as was the case in 2005 and consequently this is a year with no
However the year starts on a good day; the ruling element of the year
Yin Earth and the five elements produced Earth. This results in the year
having a good economy which can continue to grow though there is no
In the year pallor of this year there are two secret friends - the
Tiger and the Pig. This indicates that your secret friend will bring you
the power and recognition luck of this year. Thus, it will be very
beneficial to activate your secret friend this year by wearing an
allies' amulet.
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