Exploiting LTTE's terrorist activities
Several extremists and political opportunists are making a
desperate attempt to fulfill their political aspirations by exploiting
the LTTE's terrorist activities. With the support of several political
parties, which have suffered a series of defeats, and a few diplomats,
who seem to have overstepped their limits, these controversial
characters are trying to paint a different picture of the Government and
its actions against terrorism.
The support extended by the European Union, the United States,
France, India and Australia to combat international terrorism is
commendable. Most of them have taken prompt action to check LTTE's fund
raising from their respective countries. The best way to put the lid on
the LTTE's arms struggle is to stop their avenues of funding. That would
drastically force the Tigers to give up arms and talk peace.
If any Government is sincere against terrorism, they should prove it
through their acts, not merely by preaching with double standards.
Regrettably, a few political parties here are trying to join hands with
a few diplomats, who allegedly violate international protocols, in a
desperate attempt to topple the Government. These politicians have no
interest in our country or its sovereignty. All what they dream of day
and night, are short cuts that could bring them back to power at any
It is indeed a pity that the main opposition - the UNP, is not making
a sincere attempt to solve the problem in the North. Rather than making
a hue and cry on the recent SLFP proposals, the UNP should have
presented their own proposals, or explain how the APRC could improve the
SLFP proposals.
Some of our political opportunists are trying to link human rights,
the freedom and problems of the Tamil community so that they could get
the backing of some INGOs and a few diplomats.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has always stressed that the genuine
aspirations of the Tamil community and blood-thirsty Prabhakaran's
ruthless terrorism are diametrically opposite. While taking all steps to
protect the island's sovereignty and territorial integrity at all times,
President Rajapaksa has always extended his goodwill to all communities
The difference, however, is that the President is not ready to
compromise on any matter relating to Sri Lanka's national security. The
Government's aim is to evolve a just solution to ensure that the Tamils
are protected and assured of their rights.
President Rajapaksa conveyed this to the Archbishop of Canterbury,
the Most Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams, who was in the country last week.
President Rajapaksa who discussed the prevailing situation in Sri Lanka
with the Head of the Anglican Church, said the Government was committed
to a negotiated solution to the Sri Lankan crisis and always stood
firmly by that position.
The President said there could be extraneous forces responsible for
some of the alleged Human Rights violations and apprised Dr. Williams
that the LTTE terrorists were engaged in a campaign of mud slinging
aimed at tarnishing the image of the Government.
In a separate meeting with the visiting US Assistant Secretary of
State Ambassador Richard Boucher, President Rajapaksa said he sought the
help of the International Community to resolve the conflict and achieve
While respecting the human rights and aspirations of all communities
in Sri Lanka, the Government has an obligation to protect the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of our Motherland. That's
precisely what the President is doing.
However, due to the lust for power, some opposition politicians are
looking for short cuts to regain power. When they cannot win the hearts
and minds of the people and a mandate to govern the country, they join
hands with controversial elements with vested interests to topple the
Government. Yet, they talk of democracy and human rights.
They are extremely sympathetic towards the LTTE terrorists. However,
they are silent when human rights are brazenly violated by the Tigers.
Some UNP and TNA politicians pose as the guardians of human rights.
The war is not against any minority community. The Tamils, Muslims,
Burghers and Malays have always lived in harmony with the Sinhalese over
the years. It is the opportunist politicians who have injected the
poison of racism. The time is now opportune for all to realise that
there should be an environment for all of us to live in harmony.
The Government is fulfilling that responsibility and obligation while
treating all communities alike. Can any Government protect the human
rights of a ruthless terrorist organisation? |