No proof of Navy attacks on Indian fishermen - FM
Over 5,000 illegal Indian vessels enter Lankan waters
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement to clarify
recent written responses to Indian Parliamentary questions regarding
incidents involving fishermen from Tamil Nadu.
These responses claim the involvement of the Sri Lanka Navy in
attacks and killings of the fishermen. In this context, the Ministry
wishes to draw attention to the following:
(a) There have over the years been increasingly heavy incursions by
Indian fishing vessels across the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL)
into Sri Lanka waters.
The monthly observations of crossings of the IMBL by Indian fishing
vessels, amounts to not less than 5,000. The LTTE uses the cover of the
presence of these fishing vessels for their illicit activities,
including to launch attacks on naval and coastal units of the Sri Lanka
Security Forces. Despite the grave constraints thereby created, the Sri
Lanka Navy applies and will always continue to apply an absolutely
humanitarian stance vis-a-vis the Indian fishermen:
(b) Whenever there are reports alleging the involvement of the Navy
in incidents involving Indian fishermen, Navy Headquarters in Colombo
institutes the most diligent and scrupulous inquiries. The procedure
involves firstly determining if any Sri Lanka Naval craft has been
deployed in the vicinity of the alleged incident.
If any craft has been deployed, an assessment is made as to whether
ammunition has been expended. The outcomes of all the inquiries have
established absolutely no involvement by the Sri Lanka Navy. As a
further step, the findings of the inquiry and the process of
investigation leading to the conclusion, are shared with the Indian High
Commission in Colombo;
(c) Sri Lanka has at the highest levels of governance made it a point
to reiterate to the Indian authorities the Navy's policy of humanitarian
treatment of Indian fishermen crossing the IMBL. Practical proposals
have also been presented concerning ways and means whereby the
incursions could be contained, in the best interest of the two nations;
(d) The Director-General of Police of Tamil Nadu issued a Press Note
dated 27th April 2007 identifying on the basis of investigations of "six
Sri Lankan Tamils belonging to the LTTE's Sea Tigers Wing" by the "Q
Branch Police" of Tamil Nadu, the complicity of the LTTE boat "Maria" in
the killing of five fishermen from Kanyakumari on 29th March 2007. Prior
to the issue of this Press Note, there had been irresponsible
speculation alleging the involvement of Sri Lankan Navy.
It would be seen from the above that there is absolutely no evidence
to link the Sri Lanka Navy with attacks on Indian fishermen. Moreover,
the policy followed by the Government of Sri Lanka and her Security
Forces towards fishermen from India with which Sri Lanka has
longstanding and close ties, is designed to preclude any such happening.