Decent work for all, is it an ideal?
Socio Economic Security Survey Conference 2007:
Socio Economic Security is a broader concept
encompassing security aspects of employment, working environment,
income and even the space for voice representation at place of work
( individual and collective representation including trade union
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A dire need to recycle plastic waste
Central Environmental Authority initiates
Plastic is a can't-do-without necessity of the
21st century. It's easy to handle, durable, flexible and cheap. But
getting rid of it, when the need arises, is no easy task. Burning
would cause emitting of dangerous toxic fumes, burying would cause
soil and water pollution, and only make matters worse if carelessly
thrown away, by clogging the sewer systems and serving as breeding
grounds for decease causing parasites.
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'Lead a good religious life to nullify malefic effects'
Major planetary change tomorrow:
A major planetary change will take place
tomorrow at 6.00 am along with the Saturn moving to Lagna star Leo.
This planetary change will effect each Lagna for two and half years.
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