PM impressed with Future World Leaders
Each year, Presidential Classroom brings together 550 student leaders
from 45 countries to the Future World Leaders Summit in Washington. D.C.
USA, to explore international relations, diplomacy and the changing
world economy. Sri Lanka has been participating as a country delegation
since year 2000.
This year Sri Lanka will send 58 delegates from 12 schools to this
unique leadership development summit. Prime Minister Ratnasiri
Wickremanayake presided at a seminar at his office in Colombo, for the
58 Sri Lankan student leaders leaving for the Future World Leaders
Summit in USA next week.
He was impressed with the knowledge demonstrated by these aspiring
leaders who knew many current topics from Human Rights, environment,
energy, refugees, drugs, terrorism and international trade and
international aid. The summit is held at the prestigious Georgetown
At the summit these student leaders who are 16 to 19 years and with a
high command of the English language, experience better debating skills
in a democratic environment, learn how to ask smart questions, how to
become better listeners and how to appreciate diversity by debating
current world issues with peers from a variety of backgrounds and
Participation at this summit gives the Sri Lankan delegates an
advantage to gain admissions to American Universities on scholarships. |