English and IT in Year 14 - an excellent idea
The private sector evaluates the applications made by job-seekers by
checking whether they have the skills which will enable them to
contribute to the organisations' growth, image and profitability.
Two of the more desired accomplishments it looks for in candidates
are a reasonably good knowledge of English and of IT. Those who are not
proficient in these subjects are forced to find less congenial
employment or even remain unemployed for long periods.
Of course, if they are graduates, they usually know how to organise
noisy demonstrations which embarrass the government into giving them
jobs created for the purpose, with no resultant increase in productivity
or quality of service to the public, but those who fail to get into
university are often left in limbo.
In these circumstances, it was heartening to read, on September 19,
2007, in a short news item hidden away in a less than prominent position
in one of our national newspapers, that the Ministry of Higher Education
plans to conduct Year 14 classes in English and IT, wherever possible,
for those students who are waiting for their Advanced Level Examination
This is an excellent idea, which should have received more publicity,
so as to encourage the Ministry of Education to implement it. As this
has not happened, we call upon all parents whose children are in Years
12 or 13 collectively to address urgent petitions to the Ministry of
Education requesting that this proposal be implemented speedily.
The really good feature of this proposal, if and when it is put into
effect, is that it would benefit both those who eventually pass the
Advanced Level Examination as well as those who fail to do so. The
skills and employability of both groups will have increased.
Dr. A.C. Visvalingam