Have we succeeded in eliminating extreme hunger and poverty?
World Food Day 2007 - 'Right to Food':
It has been found out that hunger is not caused
merely by the fact of non-availability of food but, by and large the
inability to purchase food due to poverty. 'Right to Food' has been
recognised as a human right by the international community and
renewed efforts are being made by Governments to encourage
investments in agriculture in order to eradicate extreme poverty and
resultant hunger.
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The political will to find a way
Railway, then and now:
Things changed very unfavourably for the railway
in the post war era, with the expansion of the road network and the
operations cost ever rising, the Railway's share both in the freight
and the passenger started to decline. Yet then, the services offered
by the Railway were commendable as it was financed by the
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World Standard Day 2007:
Standards sine qua non for a dynamic economy
Standards and the citizen: Contribution to
society :
Though most of us take standards for granted, a
little-thought-of fact is that a world without standards will be
dangerous and chaotic. A world without standards is unimaginable and
in such a world seemingly ordinary tasks would be extremely
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