Universal medicine,
culinary condiment and aphrodisiac
Ginger-Zingiber officinale
by Rosanne Koelmeyer Anderson
Ginger-Zingiber officinale is a universally accepted great medicine
and culinary condiment which has been used for centuries as a cure in
many medicinal systems as well as used in cookery.
But, moreover, it is the best natural aphrodisiac, freely available
in Sri Lanka and by and large an affordable product says Dr. Vajira P.
S. Seneviratne, Medical Officer, Government District Ayurveda Hospital,
Beliatte and visiting lecturer of the Moratuwa University, a
pharmaceutical consultant and multidisciplinary academic with integrated
knowledge of Ayurveda and modern Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Termed a 'Mahayaushada' in Sinhala, ginger originated from countries
such as Sri Lanka, India and China and was later introduced to the
Middle East and Europe as well due to its therapeutic value.
In Sri Lanka, according to the Ayurveda system there are two types of
ginger freely available and grown in the villages in pods; that is a
smaller plant in which the rhizome is very sharp in potency and sperm
The second variety is a bit larger and is called a Chinese variety
introduced from China hybrid which is less sharper in potency. Ginger
contains important ingredients such as phosphorous, iron, carotinoids
and many micro elements.
"Ginger is rich in unique volatile oils and aromatic substances and
gives a unique flavour and essence and has a wide application especially
when coupled with tea as in ginger tea or inguru thae.
It is an excellent stimulant and appetizer. With normal coffee or
herbal teas, ginger-Zingiber officinale could be added in both fresh or
dried or powdered form, sliced or chopped.
Children are said to develop phlegm problems when given fresh cow's
milk in their daily diet and they often also develop sneezing and common
cold. To avoid this situation adding a few slices of ginger will help
overcome phlegm conditions in children", Dr. Seneviratne added.
"Ginger is also an excellent food appetizer and remedy for many
abdominal disorders. While increasing appetite it also improves proper
digestion and helps absorb the digested food well. Poor or loss of
appetite are common problems children encounter.
It could be overcome by introducing chopped ginger or ginger juice
mixed with jaggery or brown sugar before meals, a good alternative for
improving poor appetite. For common cold and fevers you could consume
fresh ginger, coriander and garlic few times a day while for coughs, a
mixture of fresh ginger juice and a sour orange (ambul dodang) mixed
with bee honey will help you put away all the cough syrups you have
stacked up in the medicine chest".
Dr. Seneviratne said "Ginger is an absolute necessity in every home
without which culinary dishes especially the meats and ambul thial would
not taste good. In typical Sri Lankan sweets ginger, gives a unique
flavour while the most unforgettable experience of the demand for ginger
is in ginger dosai, a mouthwatering dish from the South".
Son the public should be encouraged to grow ginger in their home
garden plots", Dr. Seneviratne expressed.
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