Violence Against Women in post-Tsunami context
Missing but vital aspect in recovery effort
Although the impact of the Asian Tsunami seemed
to be equal on the effected population, studies on Tsunami and
disasters proved that disasters have had a differential impact on
diverse segments of the affected population as well as the speed and
the time of the recovery differs from one segment to another.
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Noble research to happiness and tranquility
Can one achieve complete health and happiness?
What really is health and happiness? Health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease, according to the World Health Organisation.
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Baby-sitting: Grandparents' favourite pastime?
"My hobby is watching birds" said seven year old
Himali in a class room 'discussion'. When asked whether it's the
favourite of her parents as well, the little girl replied in
negative, but soon added "My grandma sometimes joins me" and that
makes her teacher happy.
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