Picture-Lion silent
Many thought Kumar, the Picture-Lion, would distribute black 'satakayas'
at the funeral of Daa Moo, as he did at Mahes-Warren's. This time the
'peace merchant' was silent and did not point the finger at Daa Moo's
assailants. Very smart eh!
Raw-See missing
Also missing at Daa Moo's funeral was that beauty with a Raw-See.
Though she played a key role to express her 'sorrow' at Mahes-Warren's
funeral, she took a different stand at Daa Moo's funeral. Obviously
there was no political mileage there.
Fort sand bombs
See ID is conducting an investigation to find out the people behind
the two minor explosions in Fort last week. Obviously those 'sand bombs'
had nothing to do with the Tigers but a kind leader from Kotte. Details
would be known soon.
Tiger coffin
Expect more sinister moves in the weeks to come as the G-ment
tightens the screws on the Tiger coffin, not from tera types but our
green mafia. Fearing that MR would emerge victorious in the battle
against terrorism, the greens have planned a few events to distance the
public from the forces.
Media mafia
The Elephant Party has resorted to another ploy to show the world
that there is no media freedom. With the help of their henchmen and a
few media merchants, they are planning to unveil several events to paint
a gloomy picture. Guess who's behind?
Silent leader
Another reformist group is to emerge from the Elephant Party. They
have demanded the immediate stepping down of Ra-Blue from the
leadership. The Reformist Group No.2 questions as to why Ra-Blue could
not feel that the Daa Moo's attackers were Tigers? |