Just a little crush...
As journalists we are privileged with different benefits and we
personally think those cannot be bought at any cost. One is the
experience we gain through this job. We get to travel around Sri Lanka
and at times even the world.
The second one is that we get to meet various kinds of people, some
of them leave a smile, a tear, sometimes nothing at all and the rest
will remain beside us, we may never know. Well whatever or whoever they
may be, the best part is that they have left their footprints in our
lives, to be forever, to cherish.
Being part of the youth and blessed with born naughtiness we both
know how exhilarating it is to have a million passing crushes at a time.
Everybody remembers how they used to have crushes on artists - singers,
cricketers and actors.
Samadhi: My most major crush on a famous film personality was Kianu
Reeves (Starring in Chain Reaction) and then I remember I had a crush on
David Duchuvney (Starring in The X Files), and Top Gun made me go nuts
for Tom Cruise. And a bunch of other stars I don't even know their
Well, at times it can even be surreptitious to the point of not even
glancing at the guy. When I was schooling, I remember the first crush I
ever had was for a school boy hunk who was a pro at Table Tennis. But,
it did not last even for more than a few days as I only got to see him
twice or thrice and he just went away.
I remember even my first crush, the secret which I shared with my
mother, and later on I kept it up for the rest of my life. Later on, I
had a crush on Jason Priestly (Brendon of Beverly Hills), Richard Snell
(Cricketer), Richard Gere (Actor) etc. Well, we are trying to share this
with our readers, because, parents are trying to be too strict on
children regarding these kinds of issues.
If our parents would have not taken it in a friendly and lighter way
I think the situation would have been much different.
When we reflect, as we are mature enough, we realise that it has been
only a passing feeling. No matter how old you grow the truth is that as
we are all humans and it is natural to like, admire or even dream little
about another person.
As the saying goes, "Most of the innovative people in the world are
dreamers. This does not mean we should get lost in a world of make
believe. But to feel for another person is perfectly normal, too much of
restrain would lead one to a lot of wrong decisions and to a dead end.
So, why let 'just a little crush' ruin your child's world. Life is
for pleasure not for mourning. |