Women fly sky high!
For the first time in history, the women of the Sri Lanka Armed
Forces graduated with a magnificent parachute display that decorated the
skies of Katunayake on the 15th of February.
The seven women who underwent parachute training undertook
paratrooper wings for the Sri Lanka Air Force with flying colours.
Decorating the skies in bright and luminous tones and high-power action
all the way, these women proved that they can perform brilliantly as
their male counterparts.
Air Force Commander Roshan Gunatilake pinned medallions to 15 Air
Force officers and 2 Navy officers who proved their worth at this
momentous occasion.
Gracing our magazine cover is the lady who made the first flying
attempt - Thushari Dilrukshi who stunned crowds with her amazing
sky-high jump. The sky is definitely not the limit for women and
anything is possible!