Wedding Sam
Wedding Sam and Tea-Run the Potato-S have summoned Sri's buddy Eka-Leader
in a desperate bid to cook up a story on their Em Pee buddy's tragic
death. Having failed in all their attempts to put the blame on the G-ment
for Sri's death, Wedding Sam now cuts a sorry figure.
Milk-Fall's mission
Lucky Milk-Fall has been entrusted a special mission by his leader.
Milk-Fall has taken a special team to the spot where the rebel Em Pee
Sri died to find out any clues that would give them a political
advantage. Unfortunately, the team has returned to Colombo empty handed.
Atta-Leader's stars
Atta-Leader has met a top astrologer to find out whether he would
stand a chance to be the leader of the Elephant Party. He has also taken
Ra-Blue's horoscope along with him to find out how long his leader could
hold on to the top position. The astrologer said that there would be a
change in the leadership soon.
Ra-Blue under fire
A leading bhikkhu has given Ra-Blue right when the latter came to his
temple recently. He has severely criticised Ra-Blue for trying to gain
political mileage from everything and the Elephant Party for setting a
deadline for the Forces to liberate the North.
Knowledgeable Lady
Retired Big Lady's knowledge on traditional Sinhala sweetmeats was
exposed when she tried to eat 'pusnaambu' at a function to felicitate
the chancellor of the Kelaniya Uni. When she was served tea with 'pusnaambu',
the Big Lady asked whether it was a kind of hoppers.
Clever Doc
At the same function at Vidyalankara, Doc My-Win was about to leave
when he was told that the Retired Big Lady was due, he spared a few more
minutes. But the Big Lady told the doc that it's she who should get
scared of him and not her. But the Doc was clever enough to tackle the