An educated English speaking partner is sought by sister (Catholic) for
her homely simple eldest sister - height 5'4", age 40+ well employed in
Colombo. Write to
[email protected]
A Sinhalese R/C family seeks a professional partner for pretty
Accountant daughter 5'5" 35+ years (Born July 1972) well employed with
over one lakh monthly income. Owns car and lands. Willing to migrate.
email: [email protected]
Buddhist Govigama respectable Kandyan parents, father retired diplomat,
from Kandy, seek an academically / professionally qualified partner with
sober habits for their pretty fair elder daughter 28 years old, 5 ft
tall, BA, MA in education. Presently employed as a Teacher overseas and
willing to relocate. Reply with horoscope and contact phone and email
address to 94-81-2315071, 94-81-2218678 or
[email protected]
Buddhist Salagama parents in Colombo suburb seek a professional partner
preferably Doctor, Engineer, Accountant, partner living abroad or
willing to migrate is preferred, over 5'9" for Convent educated A/L
Science, Computer, BSc part qualified non-working daughter. Malefic HC.
aged 27 years 5'8". She owns property worth 60 million. Caste
immaterial. Colombo suburb only.
C/K parents seek a groom for their fair, slim daughter, 31 years, 5'5"
in height. She has a B.Sc and M.Sc degree from UK. She is currently
working in U.K. As a consultant. The person should be of same status.
She is currently in S.L. For a holiday. 94-722721572.
Catholic parents seek professionally / academically qualified partner
below 5'5" for 30 yrs academically qualified daughter migrating to
Australia soon. Differences immaterial.
[email protected]
G/B parents residing in USA seek a suitable son for their daughter. She
is brought up with Sri Lankan values; slim, pleasant 30 years old 5ft
1", Green Card Holder, graduated from a reputed US University and
employed as a professional in USA while pursuing higher studies. A
partner presently living or willing to live in USA, non smoker with
sober habits, please reply with details:
[email protected]
G/B parents seek an academically qualified partner for their
academically qualified daughter G/B 38 yrs 5'6" smart slim working in a
blue chip company with means. Reply with full family details and a copy
of the horoscope to:
[email protected]
Govi Buddhist father seeks suitable bridegroom age below 43 yrs well
employed in Australia for daughter 38 yrs expecting travel to Australia
in this year. 94-724478513.
Govi Buddhist respectable business parents from Colombo suburbs seek
professionally qualified son for their fair, pretty daughter. She is 24
yrs 5'5" final year IT student in UK university. Family has residency
rights in UK and very valuable properties and reputed business in
Colombo suburbs. Please contact -
[email protected]
Karawe Catholic parents living in the UAE seek a professionally
qualified non-smoking partner a University Graduate below 33 yrs. for
their 28 yrs 5' 2 1/2" daughter who has a Canadian Degree in Computer
Science. She is a Canadian Citizen employed as a Manager in a Reputed US
Company in Canada. Partner should be willing to settle down in Canada or
US. Tel. 00971505373662. E-mail:
[email protected]
Parents seek a professionally qualified partner or Doctor for their
daughter 35 yrs old, slim, tall and attractive, BSc. (Hons) Graduate
holding a senior position in a Pharmaceutical Company. Assets in U.K.
and SL Caste immaterial. U.K. citizens on permanent residents in U.K.
should only apply. Only genuine applicants. Please reply with a copy of
horoscope and family details.
Sinhala / Buddhist / Govi-Karawe / parents in USA, seek a well educated
partner below 30 years, to be introduced to their 24 years, 5 feet 6
inches tall, US citizen daughter for a relationship with a view to
marriage. She is well employed with a reputed firm. Please reply with
details. E-mail:
[email protected]
Sinhala, Buddhist parents resident in Australia seek an academically
or professionally qualified partner for university educated, well
employed daughter. She is fair, pretty and 25 years of age. Prospective
partner should be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia. He
should be of excellent character, well established in his career and
preferably be above 5’4”. Reply to e-mail:
[email protected]
Sister seeks partner for well employed Doctor 53 years attractive kind
widow. Possesses houses property cash over Rs. 50 million.
[email protected]
We are G/B residing in Colombo. The proposed daughter is 36yrs presently
residing in UK. She is fair, pretty, slim, 5'1" brought up in a very
respectable manner with Sri Lankan values. We are looking for an
intelligent, caring partner with Sri Lankan values for marriage. Contact
[email protected]