Recent ‘disturbances’ within the Green Walls:
Storm in a tea cup - Tissa Attanayake
UNP was in a turmoil during the course of the week with a barrage of
criticisms from its own stalwarts who were attacking UNP Leader and
Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe for his poor performance in the
recent hustings.

Pix: Vipula Amerasinghe |
While the party’s ‘young blood’ holding critical views about the
leadership, the senior UNP politicians endorsed Wickremesinghe as still
the ideal person for leadership as the UNP was facing a dearth of
politicians who can win the confidence of the majority and the
international community.
While many UNP politicians were tightlipped this week, over the party
rift, the UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake echoing the ‘official
version’ of the whole drama to oust the UNP leader, tried to make amends
by simplifying it as ‘just proposals for the betterment of the party’s
future’. “This is sinister propaganda by the state media”, he explained.
Agreeing that there are of course several lapses in party policies he
said the need of the hour was to keep the internal crisis behind ‘closed
doors’ as the party has a more important duty - to ‘save’ people from
the unbearable economic burden and their security under the Mahinda
Rajapaksa government.
Q: It was reported that another split is brewing with some
urging for a change in the party leadership. What is a latest situation?
A: At first I want to say that there was no such crisis in the
UNP. From the leader to the ordinary supporter, all want to have a clear
process to come to power. Now there is a proposal to speed up our
organising campaigns to defeat this government. The fact is that there
are different views and opinions expressed by our members and it is a
positive sign.
Q: It means that you agree there were plans to oust the UNP
A: No. There was no such move. Nothing was suggested at the
recent meeting and what they had pointed was the need of taking certain
new measures to win the future elections.
When considering the present situation of the economy and the
security, people say they need a change soon. So, the talk was how to
accelerate the process to victory and the changes that could bring about
to achieve the target.
Q: Are you confident that he would be able to remain as the
UNP leader in the future?
A: Yes. Why have doubts. He is the party leader and it will
remain unchanged. On the other hand, there are ways mentioned in the UNP
constitution on how to change the leadership. That cannot be done by
bringing proposals and it should be done according to the party
Constitution. But, no one has challenged the leadership yet.
Q: You said that according to the Party constitution the
leader can not be changed in an adhoc manner. So, it is obvious that the
leader remains not because of the faith of majority UNPers but due to
the clauses of the Constitution?
A: How do you say that Mr. Wickremesinghe does not have the
confidence of majority of the Party. He is still the most suitable
person to lead the UNP towards victory. And majority of our members do
not intend to have a change.
Q: But it was reported that some senior UNP politicians have
urged to change the leadership to save the party. Isn’t it?
A: No. I refute that claim. Even I read some of these news
reports in papers. It is a known fact that all the facts reported in
media are not 100 percent accurate. Some media have distorted the facts
raised in the Committee.
Q: Are you covering up the present rift against the UNP
A: No. I am talking on real facts. To talk about a rift there
should be a revolt against Mr. Wickremesinghe. But there is nothing of
that sort. But there are few people whose ideas were expressed for the
betterment of the party. Everybody cannot hole the same view. There are
diverse views. What is happening is, our rivals try to take political
mileage by spreading these rumours, especially the state media.
Q: Was there a proposal to cut down the responsibilities held
by the UNP leader and to devolve them among the senior politicians of
the party?
A: No but there are proposals. I agree that there are lots of
people in the party who neglect their responsibilities. I also agree
that we should have a new system of sharing responsibilities.
Each one should be given responsibility of leading the party to
victory. Meantime, those who can work hard should be given a chance to
rise. Then not only the UNP leadership but also each and every one
assigned to the task should take the responsibility.
Q: The UNP leader has lost over 16 elections and don’t you
think that he is now fast losing his credibility and the party needs a
swift change of leadership to take the party to victory?
A: I think it is not easy to find a leader like Ranil
Wickremesinghe. From the Chandrika Kumaratunge era upto now there are
attempts to change the leadership. Why are they scared of him? One is,
due to his wide experience in politics and the other is the local and
international recognition that he has gained so far. We strongly believe
that there is no need for a change in the UNP leadership.
Q: What are the main obstacles for the UNP, which have
suffered continues election defeats, to win polls?
A: We are also facing the common problems faced by all other
political parties. That is rigging of votes. As in the East the
government is trying to win the future elections fraudulently.
People should organise to win their right to vote. It is high time to
establish an Independent Elections Commission and a Police Commission.
Until then we cannot have hopes for a free and fair election as the
Elections Commissioner says he does not have powers to take action
against rigging of votes.
Apart from those, as a party we should also need to have some policy
changes within the party. More responsibilities should be given to
organisers. It is true that the UNPers today claim that we do not look
after our supporters well.
There should be a new system to address these issues. The other fact
is that the UNP lacks dedicated politicians, today. The reason for this
may be they have lost confidence. We all should get together to lead the
party to victory. Leadership is not only Mr. Wickremesinghe but leaders
at all levels.
As a leader Mr. Wickremesinghe should devolve responsibilities among
those who are dedicated. Powers should be devolved to the leaders at all
levels and need to monitor whether they are meeting the given targets
and if not actions should be taken against them.10 to 15 percent of the
UNP organisers are not performing their responsibilities at all. It is
of no use of keeping them without punishing.
Q: Some identified S. B. Dissanayake and MP Sajith Premadasa
as the saviours of the party. Are there any moves to elevate them?
A: Everybody in the party should try to come up and as a party
those who work hard should be taken into the forefront. They should be
given tasks and responsibilities. One allegation against the UNP is that
those who work hard will not be given a chance to rise. But this is not
the truth. We can not hand pick people for the leadership.
For example former President J. R. Jayewardene took over 40 years to
become the Leader of the UNP. And R. Premadasa worked hard and won the
confidence of the party. No use of creating issues among people but
those who want to come forward should show their talent through their
work. And they should have dedication towards the party.
We do not bother who will become the leader but what we want at this
juncture is to lead the party to victory. Not only S.B. and Sajith there
are lots of promising politicians who can rise to the leadership.
Q: As the General Secretary, do you think that the UNP does
not have a future at this moment without Mr. Wickremesinghe?
A: We should not create issues at this juncture. The UNP
Leader Wickremesinghe is not only the Opposition Leader but he is a
leader who has won the confidence of a majority of people of this
People, including minority groups, have faith in him. Instead of
agitation to win people’s rights, first priority of the JVP is to sling
mud on our leader. What we say is that this is not the right time to
change the leadership.
Our challenge is to defeat this government, which has created havoc.
So we need a leader who has the confidence locally and internationally.
We can not give birth to leaders instantly.
The UNP is a party which suffered heavily due to the LTTE. Lots of
UNP leaders were assassinated by the LTTE. I think Mr. Wickremesinghe is
the only person who can still lead the party and if some other person
tries to do that the UNP will lag behind. I don’t say that those who
want a change and want to bring new proposals should deny their rights
to talk.
Let’s keep the arguments internally and discuss to find a way out. I
also see some lapses in the UNP. The UNP needs a shift in its policies.
We need to tell the supporters clearly that we are ready to look after
them. Otherwise, they will lose trust. For the last 14 years UNPers are
Q: But it was reported that there were some discussions
between Mr. Wickremesinghe and Anura Kumara Dissanayake?
A: I do not know any meeting as such. In the Parliament lobby
and on other occasions we meet them. I met Minister Chamal Rajapaksa
last week and MP Basil Rajapaksa two weeks ago. These are the gossips
reported in the media. As I mentioned earlier the main target of the UNP
is to defeat this government. Apart from that the serious challenge for
the UNP is that how best the UNP can contribute to resolve the national
Q: Apart from criticising the moves of this government to
resolve the national problem how do you think that the UNP can genuinely
contribute towards finding a lasting solution?
A: We are unhappy with the present process of resolving this
problem.We tried our best to be a part of this process. After President
Rajapaksa came in to power, the government claimed that the national
problem would be solved within three months. But, today this government
is going ahead without any responsibility. War is a show off.
They have achieved victories as well as defeats. But, at this moment
we should consider whether we can afford to continue the war. We lost
thousands of innocent lives. The UNP is not against any move to defeat
LTTE terrorism. There is no doubt we need immediate steps to stop
terrorist acts by Prabhakaran. If the government moves with this same
process they will find it difficult to go ahead.
Q: Are you talking about resuming peace talks?
A: We think the government should come up with a credible
political solution. If they go for peace talks there should be a
political package. A proposal for a political solution should be the
basis for a discussion.
The UNP has a strong basis to commence peace talks. The UNP is ready
to start talks on a proposal which will not divide this country. It
should ensure the sovereignty of the country. Most importantly it should
be accepted by the majority. The UNP will not hold peace talks with the
LTTE if they still intend to divide this country.
Q: The government is ready to talk with the LTTE if they can
lay down arms. But this was refused by the LTTE. How can the UNP
re-start peace talks under these conditions?
A: They did not lay down arms when they came for peace talks
with the UNP and also with the Mahinda Rajapaksa government. When there
are conditions the chances for talks are remote.
The main factor is to develop trust between the two parties. Then
Pillaiyan was allowed to contest with arms and still his group is armed.
If the LTTE say that they need arms for their security.
Q: You are talking about two different situations. Pillaiyan
group is still under LTTE threats. Who are the rivals of the LTTE to
carry arms in self defence?
A: Who says so? We do not know the rivals of the LTTE. And I
do not want to talk on behalf of Prabhakaran. We cannot say that the
LTTE does not have threats.
Q: Will these brewing internal issues end up with another
split, like earlier when the UNP’s senior politicians crossed over to
the government?
A: There is no bar from expressing their views to improve the
present situation of the party. Those who crossed over claimed that they
joined the government because of the country. But they did that for
ministerial portfolios.
They are additional burdens on the people of this country. If they
really intended to work for the betterment of the country they could
help the government while being MPs. I do not think that there is such a
group within the UNP who plans to step in to the government. All those
who bring various proposals want to accelerate our march to victory.
Who is Attanayake Mudiyanselage Kudabanda Tissa Attanayake
It wasn’t an easy journey for a young man from a remote village to
climb up the ladder of the country’s second powerful political party the
United National Party (UNP). The young politician brimming with hopes
and desires to reach the top one day, gradually became the main pillar
of the Colombo based party power house.
He was a ‘threat’ to them always and believe it even now, he says,
they are sharpening their knives to put him down. “Still they are still
at it. If I do not hold the rudder firmly I will get thrown over board.
It is really a mafia”, the General Secretary of the UNP Tissa Attanayake
says with his usual charming smile.
The life was not a bed full of roses for the small scale village
businessman, Muthubanda who had bring up five boys. Whether it was rain
or shine the Attanayake boys walked over two miles every day to Morayaya
Sangahabodhi Vidyalaya trudging through scenic paddy fields and small
forest patches.
The studious among the lot Tissa was shifted to the Uduwela Maha
Vidyalaya Katugastota when he got through his grade five scholarship
examination. Later he entered the Kelaniya University, which was his
gateway to politics.
Elected as the President of the Samawadi Students Union of the
University, he had the privilege of indulging in politics with Gamini
Dissanayake, Lalith Athulathmudali and late President R. Premadasa.
The young B. Com graduate was first employed at the Sirikotha - the
UNP headquarters- for a monthly salary of Rs. 1750, he started off as
the Personnel Assistant to the then UNP General Secretary Harsha
Abeywardena, and later to Ranjan Wijeratne.
“The most difficult time was during Ranjan Wijeratne’s time. He
rattled off too many instructions and speaks very fast, difficult to jot
down so I turned to use the tape recorder”, Attanayake recalls.
He got his first job in the State sector as an executive at the
Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation for a monthly salary of Rs. 3000 and
had the rare privilege of travelling in his own official vehicle.
Became the Ududumbara UNP Organiser in 1988 and won the election for
the first time in 1989 and held various ministerial portfolios,
Attanayake eventually became the General Secretary of the UNP in 2006.
Attanayake who is proud to call him as a politician who never ‘stole’
a cent from the government says that his brothers - small scale
businessmen in their home village are better off than him.
“I am poor compared to them because I am in politics, but I am so
happy that I bought my own house in Colombo from the money got after
selling the land which my father gave”, he says.
Still remorse over the fact that he was remanded for a month
‘unnecessarily’ thus denying his rights to cast his vote, he says that
aim in his life is to reach the top in politics gradually.
The biggest worry now in his life is his inability to find a
breathing space for his routine exercises. “I pleaded with the UNP
leader to release me from 5 am to 7 am daily, so that I can continue
with this”, he chuckles.
The 47-year-old UNP General Secretary who is so busy at any given
moment complains about lack of sleep. “If I have a nap during the
daytime there will be over 50 missed calls”.
The politician that he respects the most is the late President
Premadasa.”His ability to judge people and solving problems were
excellent. He will solve a problem within 5 to ten minutes. Decision
making is so quick and he looked after the UNP supporters well”, he
* No crisis in the UNP.
* No doubt UNP Leader will remain.
* As the leader Ranil Wickremesinghe should devolve more
responsibilities among those who are dedicated to the party.
* UNP today lacks dedicated politicians.
* It is true and fair to say that the UNP does not look after its
supporters much.
* Not only S.B. and Sajith, there are lots of promising politicians
who can rise to the leadership within the UNP. |